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Recent Graduate Admission Results January 2024

Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on January 22, 2024

Rejected on 22 Jan Fall 2024 International GPA 4.00 Masters

July 2023

Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology From the top university in New Zealand. GPA: 8.9/9.0 (Top 5%)

Added on July 19, 2023

Accepted on 28 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on July 06, 2023

Accepted on 6 Jul Fall 2023 GRE 160 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 Masters

April 2023

Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology ETHZ Internal applicant, change of Master's programme

Added on April 09, 2023

Accepted on 3 Apr Fall 2023 Masters

March 2023

Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Non CS background from top 5 university in Greece. 2% of the graduating class and member of the founding team of a startup.

Added on March 30, 2023

Accepted on 30 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 170 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 9.23 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology I just want to say, don't listen to the admission office. He's there to discourage you. I called the CS admission office asking about the paper works and he said "our admission process is very selective, your chance of getting in is very low" He kept saying that 3-4 times, even though I didn't ask him about my chance. I have a low GRE score, but my grade is very high (almost the top 5% of my class) and my work experience is related to their research. The professor that wrote me a letter of rec has some close contact with ETH professors too. Maybe that helped me get in. I'm from the US btw.

Added on March 29, 2023

Accepted on 29 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 162 GRE V 149 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Among best french engineering schools for CS (top 1-5). Top 10% with GPA rankings. 1 very very strong LoR, 1 classic LoR. I think very strong SoP. No research internship, although nobody in France has one at this stage. Some research projects.

Added on March 29, 2023

Accepted on 29 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 166 GRE V 162 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 4.00 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology avg German uni, top 5%

Added on March 28, 2023

Accepted on 28 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on March 27, 2023

Accepted on 27 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 170 GRE V 157 GRE AW 3.00 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology RWTH Aachen University, top 5%. Internship at medium-sized company and research internship that started after application. Strong LoRs from thesis supervisors. No GRE.

Added on March 24, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology BS in CS at a reputed Asian university (GPA 4.05/4.3). 2 research exp + 1 top conference paper (1st author), 2 SWE internship at global firm, currently a full time SWE for 2.5 years. Also accepted by EPFL. Can't believe I get in!! But as I recv another offer with tuition waiver + living expence from TU Delft, it's hard to make the decision Q__Q Good luck for thos who are still waiting!!

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 169 GRE V 154 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.77 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology 1.2/1.0 GPA from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (approx. top 4%) in Germany. 1 R&D Internship at an Automotive company, 1 Part-time job in industry, 3 teaching assistant positions, 1 exchange semester at a no-name uni in Ireland, a scholarship from German Academic Scholarship foundation and extracurricular activity in a student society. SoP was decent but nothing extraordinary. 1 LoR from Lecturer in Ireland, 1 from supervisor during TA and 1 from head of the student society. No publications and no research experience.

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Non-EU, 1.2/1.0 from TU Berlin, at least one good letter of recommendation, relevant work experience as student RA, no publications at the time of applying, ESOP requested. Rejected at EPFL though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck to everybody who is still waiting!

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology No name Uni in Germany, Top 2% GPA, Scholarship at German Scholarship Foundation, 1 FAANG Internship, No research papers. FUCK YEAH :D

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology RWTH Aachen University BSc. CS, top 5% deans list, exchange semester at ETH Fall 22/23, internship at a global firm

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.50 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Weak SoP, didn't talk about myself enough. One LoR from my thesis and internship supervisor. Another letter from a fairly known professor with whom I did extra curricular stuff. A third letter was also sent.

Added on March 22, 2023

Accepted on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.96 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on March 22, 2023

Accepted on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 162 GRE V 157 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.95 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology B.Sc with 1.3 GPA ("ausgezeichnet"), 4 teaching jobs at Uni, no publications. Was rejected from both direct doctorate and M.Sc.

Added on March 22, 2023

Rejected on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 170 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.00 PhD
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology 1.8 from TU9 (Germany)

Added on March 22, 2023

Rejected on 22 Mar Fall 2023 Masters
Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology I had 18 months of Work experience as a Data Scientist at the time of applying in a mid-sized Indian Company

Added on March 22, 2023

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 167 GRE V 154 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.20 Masters

Results 61 - 80 of 299