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Recent Graduate Admission Results November -0001

Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University Informal offer received 1/13, formal offer received 1/20.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University No interview. Two masters degrees - one in pure maths, one in comp sci, first class honours in statistics (Aus), 2 papers (journal), 2 years research experience, 2 years industry experience (machine learning analyst)

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GPA 3.80 PhD
MPS In Information Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov Other GRE 161 GRE V 161 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 2.70 Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University To the Cornell Tech Computer Science Masters applicants below. Did you apply for the 2 year MS degree or the 1 year M.Eng degree?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American PhD
(Computer Science ) MEng, Cornell University Still waiting.....

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Spring 2019 International Masters
Data Science, Cornell University Recieved Columbia's incomplete online application e-mail in April ..... Does this mean that my application has not been considered for review yet and will be rejected ?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Adv. Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University 6th reject. I did not get even 1 admit till now :(

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American GRE 163 GRE V 161 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.80 Masters
(Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Responding to poster below: I applied in the second round, and completed my video interview on Feb. 8th. Never had a second interview. Was certain I was going to be rejected up until receiving the acceptance today.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other American Masters
Biological And Biomedical Science (BBS), Cornell University Had a video interview on 1/9/20. Offers will be sent out in mid- to late- February.

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview International GPA 4.00 PhD
Science And Technology Studies (STS), Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University TPB. Your background looks strong. Not sure of your area or degree type. If you are applying for Ph.D. (or top-notch research masters like Berkeley's or Cornell's), the admission is very situational and there is no way to find any criteria or threshold. You often see people doing their master from CMU with 3+ top conference papers got rejected; the most common practice for securing a slot is to get very strong RLs from someone who directly knows one's ROIs (previous co-workers etc), and quite frankly for those who do not have that would hardly stand a chance. If you applied to professional master programs, it is indeed very strange you didn't get any admits. But shit does happen. There are people who got admitted to top-4 without extracurricular experiences and so the opposite could occur as well.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International Masters
Political Science, Cornell University I.R. 0a/2r/1w/4p

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 160 GRE V 155 GRE AW 5.00 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University To the post below: how are they going to do the technical assessment? did they mention that? Will it be a technical interview or an online coding test??

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other Masters

Results 2141 - 2160 of 2264