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Graduate School Admission Results

About 672 results

February 2017

Aero & Astro, "University Of Washington Seattle

Added on February 14, 2017

Accepted on 13 Feb International GRE 170 GRE V 160 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.80 PhD
Aero / Astro, "University Of Washington Seattle Thank you for my first offer. ありがとう

Added on February 14, 2017

Accepted on 14 Feb International GRE 157 GRE V 170 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.50 PhD
Aero / Astro, Leland Stanford Junior University No publication. Good recommendation letters. Invited for scholarship interviews.

Added on February 14, 2017

Accepted on 20 Jan International GRE 170 GRE V 164 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.83 Masters
Aero & Astro, University Of Washington Seattle Funding TBD!

Added on February 14, 2017

Accepted on 13 Feb American GRE 164 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.72 Masters
Aero & Astro, "University Of Washington

Added on February 14, 2017

Accepted on 14 Feb American Masters
Physics, George Washington (GWU) To the person asking, I applied for nuclear experiment or nuclear astro. Good luck!

Added on February 10, 2017

Other American GPA 3.74 PhD
Aero/Astro Engineering, Cornell (Ithaca) 3 conference presentations, 1 publication, experience in rocket propulsion, and a year of industry experience in R&D of turbomachinery.

Added on February 10, 2017

Rejected on 6 Feb International GRE 163 GRE V 159 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 4.00 PhD
Aero / Astro, Stanford University Bachelor degree from Cornell Mechanical Engineering. 1 Strong RL, 3 fair RL. 2 conference publications, 2 conference awards

Added on February 08, 2017

Accepted on 20 Jan International GRE 170 GRE V 163 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.82 Masters
Physics, University Of Chicago 3 years in HEP-ex and Astro, strong LORs. Offered yearly stipend 36,000 $ through Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Fellowship. :)

Added on February 08, 2017

Accepted on 8 Feb International GRE 168 GRE V 158 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 8.26 PhD
Astro, Australian National University (ANU) To the posters below, I had interview in the third week of January, and was accepted last week.

Added on February 07, 2017

Accepted on 7 Feb International PhD

January 2017

Astrophsycs, The University Of Colorado - Boulder informal offerrninternational femalernmath:3.92 astro:4.0rn2 year research experience

Added on January 28, 2017

Accepted on 28 Jan International PhD
Aero / Astro, Stanford University Official Documents Requests matter. They said that this was "unusual" and if my application shows complete then I not to worry. Someone please confirm.

Added on January 26, 2017

Other International PhD
Aero Astro, Stanford University

Added on January 26, 2017

Rejected on 26 Jan International GRE 170 GRE V 155 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.91 Masters
Aero / Astro, Stanford Univerisity Was told I had a solid chance. Extremely disappointed in myself. Best of luck to everyone else.

Added on January 26, 2017

Rejected on 26 Jan American GRE 170 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.60 PhD
Aero & Astro, Stanford Had the right research, internships, and the recs ,but grades may have been too low. Still stings a little though. Good luck to all.

Added on January 26, 2017

Rejected on 2 Jan American GRE 164 GRE V 160 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.60 Masters
Aero & Astro, Stanford University

Added on January 25, 2017

Rejected on 25 Jan International Masters
Aero / Astro, Stanford Univerisity Seems like I won't be going to graduate school. Hopefully this is the last rejection letter for me.

Added on January 25, 2017

Rejected on 25 Jan International GRE 169 GRE V 158 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 4.00 Masters
Aero / Astro, Stanford Univerisity Competitive internships with NASA and LM, 2 journal publications, international and national speaking engagements, 4 years of research. What they're looking for is beyond me. Best of luck to those who were admitted though!

Added on January 25, 2017

Rejected on 25 Jan American Masters
Aero & Astro, Stanford University I mean, i kinda had hope?

Added on January 25, 2017

Rejected on 25 Jan American GRE 164 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.72 Masters
Aero/Astro, Leland Stanford Junior University Decision letter on website. Saw it before any email, lol.

Added on January 25, 2017

Rejected on 25 Jan American Masters

Results 381 - 400 of 672