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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results January 2022

Political Science, London School Of Economics My application was complete and ready for review by the department last night at 3am, then I logged in to check my application status at 11pm the same day and it says I've already been rejected by my first choice program. I mean, I guess I hope all my applications get back to me this fast! My partner speculated that the program may already be full and I think that's actually a fair guess what happened. They "strongly suggest" you apply before the end of December because spots fill up, but I applied Jan 8, so maybe there just were no spots or very very few spots left at that point.

Added on January 14, 2022

Rejected on 14 Jan Fall 2022 American PhD
Political Science, University Of Washington

Added on January 10, 2022

Interview Fall 2022 International PhD
Political Science, University Of Washington Interview request from Professor

Added on January 08, 2022

Interview Fall 2022 American PhD

August 2021

Political Science, Columbia University

Added on August 06, 2021

Wait listed Spring 2021 International GPA 3.90 Masters

June 2021

Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center No email, checked the website on a Sunday and was accepted. Very excited, my dream program. Best of luck to everyone waiting!

Added on June 13, 2021

Accepted on 13 Jun Fall 2021 Masters

May 2021

Political Science, Texas Tech University I applied by the admission deadline, January 15th and got my admission notification 3 weeks later. The admission came with a Teaching Assistantship. I am going to accept the offer. GRE is required.

Added on May 25, 2021

Accepted on 9 Feb Fall 2021 International Masters
Political Science, Leiden Standard rejection.

Added on May 17, 2021

Rejected on 17 May Fall 2021 Other PhD
Political Science, University Of Victoria

Added on May 15, 2021

Rejected on 15 May Fall 2021 Masters
Political Science And International Relations, Australian National University

Added on May 15, 2021

Accepted on 11 May Fall 2021 International GPA 3.75 PhD
Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center As others, Ignore Interview - submitted March 4th, still have yet to hear a peep, but have noticed the deadline was extended to June. Losing my mind checking the portal 500 times a day. Not my favorite feeling.

Added on May 14, 2021

Interview Fall 2021 American Masters
Political Science, Columbia University TTPB: Congratulations on your offer. Don't take the offense to the following statements - just trying to save you time in the future. I attended a peer school to CBS, and it's highly unlikely you will get an offer from either CBS or HBS. Your GPA is well into the bottom 10%, your GRE is likely below the lowest in the class (and GREs were largely used as a backdoor for admissions until recently), and it sounds like you have no work experience. I would recommend getting 3 to 7 years under your belt before applying and showing a strong trajectory. Otherwise, you are just gifting them application fees.

Added on May 11, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 Other Masters
Political Science, Columbia University Hello, fellow Columbia polisci MA rejects...I mean, applicants. This is the same person that left the comment on May 8th. Today is May 10th and Columbia finally reached back. I have been rejected. Our long arduous journey of waiting has finally come to an unfortunate end. I suppose when a university takes this long to provide a response it only signifies the applicant has been rejected...who knows? Anyway...Columbia was the last university on my list I needed to hear back from. I've accepted an offer of admission from American University in Washington, D.C., therefore, for the next two years of my life, I'll be residing in America's capital instead of America's City (AKA New York City). I have ambitions of one day attending a top business school after completing my first master's degree and now that I have much experience in riding this roller coaster of applying to graduate schools I will use my newfound knowledge to return to Columbia and apply to Columbia Business School. I swear it...I will return and, this time, I will return victoriously (however, if I apply to Harvard Business School and get accepted by them, then I will reject Columbia's offer of admission just like how they rejected me today). To everyone out there that was rejected this year, I know it hurts and you all probably feel like you're not good enough. Please, don't believe that for a second...I am here to say you are all great! Keep your heads held high, never give up, and years from now, show the world why Columbia University made a disastrous mistake today.

Added on May 11, 2021

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2021 American GRE 143 GRE V 148 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.09 Masters
Political Science, Columbia University At long last, a decision. Unsurprisingly I was rejected. I have been considered for another masters program at Columbia, so I will wait and hear from them (hopefully sooner than this one). 3.7 GPA and strong letters of recommendation. However, little research experience, which may help explain the rejection. Good luck to everyone!

Added on May 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2021 American GPA 3.70 Masters
Political Science, Columbia University Aight guys, I finally got a decision and it wasn't what I was hoping for. Top grad from top uni in the UK, so obviously a bit disappointed. Turned out no news actually was bad news for me... Anyways, never give up on your dreams etc etc... Wishing those of you who are still waiting to hear back the best of luck!

Added on May 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2021 International Masters
Political Science, Columbia University

Added on May 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2021 International Masters
Political Science, Concordia University (Canada) International Applicant

Added on May 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 May Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Columbia University NOT WAITLISED! Hello, again, fellow Columbia polisci MA applicants. This is the same person that responded on April 28th. Today is May 8th and still no response from Columbia. Holly Martis is the political science department's Graduate Program Coordinator (dropping her name here in case anyone is interested in contacting her about the application review process). I've decided I will not reach out to the political science department or the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences because we all know what they will tell us if we inquire about our applications! They will respond by stating we, the applicants, must wait until we receive an official email indicating a decision has been made on our applications because, under university/graduate school/department policy, the status of an application cannot be divulged to the applicant until they receive that official email. There really exists no point in reaching out to the graduate program coordinator, department, or the graduate school...we all just have to wait...there is nothing we can do but wait. Here is something I found on the political science department's website: "The department continues to admit students through the spring. Hence, notifications to students who are declined admission usually are not sent until the early summer. Although the department recognizes that this is less than ideal for most candidates who may be weighing other options, the department cannot respond to applicant inquiries until the admission process is complete". Whether I'm rejected or accepted, I'll be returning to Grad Cafe to inform you all. My final analysis: Columbia seriously needs to hurry up...I'm sure an admissions committee position calls for a lot of work and I'm sure it's exorbitantly difficult to decide which students will be accepted and which will not and I'm sure it's very time-consuming...but c'mon people...if you already made a decision just let us know already...Christ! Anyway...good luck to you all.

Added on May 08, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 American Masters
Political Science, Leiden Shortlisted. Apparently, there were 200 applicants for the 2 doctoral positions and I'm unsure of how many people actually made the shortlist. I figured others would want to know as I've been stalking this page for updates the past few weeks.

Added on May 05, 2021

Wait listed Spring 2021 International PhD
Political Science, University Of British Columbia I had been waitlisted previously. Just got the official rejection email.

Added on May 03, 2021

Rejected on 3 May Fall 2021 Other Masters
Political Science, University Of Guelph Ignore Waitlist: Has anyone heard back from this program at all? I've already accepted an acceptance elsewhere, but it was primarily due to the fact that Guelph has not given the results out yet. I had emailed the program head and received no email back... I understand given COVID results came out later than usual, but I did not expect to just not hear back from a University entirely.

Added on May 01, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 Other Masters

Results 2641 - 2660 of 16509