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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2022

Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology MSc CS - from old IIT; GPA-9.42/10; one year of research experience at the time of application; no publications.

Added on March 02, 2022

Accepted on 2 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 169 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.00 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Got an email to check the portal. Italian student from Politecnico di Milano, top 8%.

Added on March 02, 2022

Rejected on 2 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.70 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Little research/good TA experience, no published papers, good LoRs. Hayırlısı diyelim

Added on March 02, 2022

Rejected on 2 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 153 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.85 Masters
Environmental Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology 1 publication (high impact), 3 years research experience. From Canadian university. Had interview for ESOP mid February. So relieved to finally have the acceptance! :) Good luck to all!

Added on March 01, 2022

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.84 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Got an email to check the portal.

Added on March 01, 2022

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 166 GRE V 166 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.91 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Typical rejection letter. Not excellent grades, but in top 15%. More or less expected.

Added on March 01, 2022

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on March 01, 2022

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 156 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.60 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Tier 3 from India. 3 IEEE papers in Deep Learning / AI (not at A* or A levels at all). 1 internship of 2 months. Received a notification to check the portal at 7 pm IST on 1st March. Applied on 10 December

Added on March 01, 2022

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 168 GRE V 158 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.88 Masters

February 2022

Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Ignore the waitlist. I applied for CS direct doctorate, but my application status changed to Computer Science MSc. I guess this may indicate that my direct doctorate application failed and thus automatically changed to and reconsidered as a master application. Does anyone in the same situation as me?

Added on February 28, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 152 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.99 PhD
Atmospheric And Climate Science MSc, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on February 28, 2022

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2022 International Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on February 26, 2022

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 153 GRE AW 4.00 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on February 25, 2022

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International GPA 3.30 PhD
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Received an email to check status.

Added on February 25, 2022

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on February 25, 2022

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 169 GRE V 161 Masters
Computer Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Got an email to check the portal. Typical rejection letter

Added on February 25, 2022

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 169 Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology

Added on February 25, 2022

Accepted on 25 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 169 GRE V 153 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.70 Masters
Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Two NeurIPS submissions, one oral. Idk why I was not accepted. Anyway, got accepted to PhD in University of Toronto.

Added on February 24, 2022

Rejected on 24 Feb Fall 2022 American GRE 169 GRE V 167 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.93 Masters
Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Fyi. Decisions for DS MSc have already been out. If you have not received acceptance or rejection, that means that you are on a waiting list. By the end of March final results will be announced. However, with a high probability, your application is rejected, because the number of people who are on the waitlist and got accepted is really small.

Added on February 24, 2022

Wait listed Spring 2022 International Masters
Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Top %2 in CS major from top uni in my country. Multiple research experience under different professors, highlight being a second author publication in top conference. TA in undergrad probability & machine learning courses. Various data science and software interships, including a global company.

Added on February 22, 2022

Accepted on 22 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 169 GRE V 169 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.98 Masters
Data Science, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology 2 yrs RA, 2 first-authored pending publications.

Added on February 22, 2022

Accepted on 22 Feb Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 161 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.83 Masters

Results 161 - 180 of 299