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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2021

Computer Science, Princeton University To the person who said Princeton was not selecting International students in 2021-22 because of Covid. I have noticed this problem with multiple US univs, all of whom are more than happy to get you for a paid course but not for a funded course. Wisconsin being a primary example. Princeton has relatively very less seats than Madisson. So my guess is that this year even TA RA chances might wither and internationals are going to fund US economy by going for masters there.

Added on March 03, 2021

Rejected on 3 Mar Fall 2021 Masters
SPIA Security Studies, Princeton University Phone call and email from the director.

Added on March 03, 2021

Accepted on 3 Mar Fall 2021 American PhD
Computer Science, Princeton University 3.90 GPA, 2 unpublished papers

Added on March 02, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 American GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Dual-major CS/Math from one of the top three UCs. Good grades, lots of teaching experience, some unpublished research experience. I had asked a prof there about my chances and they told me their admit cap was less than 3% of the applicants, so I didn't expect this. Thrilled to get in! And TTPB about international students: with me, now there are several on this list. Only evidence thus far is US undergrads, but hard to get a complete view when they only admit like 25 people and not everyone is on here. And with those numbers, of course they're going to turn down amazing applicants, too!

Added on March 02, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 160 GRE V 170 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University So excited! I am an international student. I have pretty extensive teaching experience, and no major pubs but I worked very hard on my applications and I think my profile is pretty strong all-around.

Added on March 02, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 GPA 3.96 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Indian student here with CGPA 9/10 and GRE Q168V152. I had a 2 year teaching experience in computer programming and machine learning, plus additional teaching voluntary experience. I have exceptional research too in my ugrad, though no publications. It seems Princeton has only admitted American citizens this year and few other students who already are undergrad from Princeton. I have seen so many good profiles bring rejected this year which makes me question the selection criteria of Princeton or for that sake all the IVY leagues. It seems they have played it safe this year due to covid shit. Their generic message, though, doesn't do the justice to the applicants and they should rather explain that they are refusing to accept any international students for 21-22.

Added on March 02, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 168 GRE V 152 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University from top CS program, 5 sems TA experience, no research experience, 1 summer internship and once taught over summer.

Added on March 01, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 170 GRE V 167 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.96 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Disappointed.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Top 15 US university with over 3.9 GPA. 3 time FAANG intern and another internship. Over 2 years of research experience with one publication. Also had some tutoring experience. US citizen. Was hoping to get in, but not surprised that I woke up to a rejection letter.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 American GPA 3.93 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Great GPA from the HYP. 2-year research experience but no publication. I guess working with well-known professors really helps you.

Added on March 01, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 170 GRE V 155 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.95 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Undergrad from top 20 US college with prestigious CS department. Teaching experience spans 5 semesters. Won a teaching award(10%). 2 years research. No pubs.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GPA 3.98 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 American Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University 3.85 UG GPA from a well-regarded school, top ten for CS worldwide. 3 publications, 2 first author to a big journal and a T2 conference. Lots of volunteer tutoring and TA experience. no GRE. international competitive athlete while in UG. Not sure what the deal is, maybe my statement didn't align with any faculty research? I thought I mentioned areas of interest that aligned with Princeton profs' research. Maybe it was just a competitive year. Admission to ivys can seem random at times, wishing the best to those who were accepted, I am sure most of the applicants were deserving of acceptance.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GPA 3.85 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University Expected a rejection but went in with the attitude you don't know until you try.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 166 GRE V 150 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.75 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University I just now received the rejection via Email which stated that, "Thank you for applying to Princeton University's Graduate School for the 2021-22 academic year. While I assure you that the materials you submitted were carefully reviewed by the faculty in the Department of Computer Science, I regret to inform you that the department did not recommend your admission for the coming academic year. The number of admission offers available at Princeton for entering graduate students is extremely limited, and we cannot offer admission to all applicants who are well qualified. Indeed, many departments consistently have applicants who would be admitted without hesitation if additional resources were available. Our decisions take into account not only the applicants' merits but also the suitability of the programs to the candidates' expressed interests. Our goal is to achieve a sound match between the strengths of our programs and the interests of the relatively small number of outstanding students that can be accommodated. Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications which we receive, it is not possible for the department or the Graduate School to go back and review applications to justify the denial or offer advice on fortifying a future application. I wish you success in your plans for graduate study and thank you for considering Princeton University."

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 161 GRE V 150 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.84 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University I really thought I had a chance. One year of teaching, minor research (no pub), First Class with Honours (equal to 4.0 GPA) from a great UK uni.

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 166 GRE V 159 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 4.00 Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International Masters
Computer Science, Princeton University

Added on March 01, 2021

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2021 International Masters

Results 1661 - 1680 of 10527