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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2022

Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7 published journal paper, +2 under review, 3 conference presentations. Honored student in BSc & MSc. Varsity in 3 fields, audited 5 extra advanced courses + some other research projects. A professor liked my resume and asked me to apply. Got rejected via email today.

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.70 PhD
Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology I have 7 journal & 3 conference publications. Honor student during BSc & MSc. Several other research/industry experiences + varsity rankings. A professor liked my resume and suggested me to apply. But my application got rejected. Just curious to see who they have accepted then. Lovely & fair system...

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.70 PhD
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology *Structural field Dear Name: The graduate admissions process for the 2021-22 academic year is now complete. I am truly sorry to inform you that we are not offering you admission to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The number of applicants to the graduate program far exceeds the number that can be accommodated and therefore only a small fraction of applicants can be accepted. We appreciate your interest in our department and hope that you are able to pursue your graduate studies elsewhere.

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2022 International PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Absolutely thrilled. Two co-author papers, one first author paper in preparation, research experience adds up to about 3 years of full-time work.

Added on March 08, 2022

Accepted on 4 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 3.92 PhD
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 3 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 169 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.70 Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 08, 2022

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2022 American GPA 3.58 PhD
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology :(

Added on March 07, 2022

Rejected on 7 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.74 PhD
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 07, 2022

Rejected on 7 Mar Fall 2022 American PhD
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Please ignore the waitlist. Does anyone hear back from Master of Engineering in Climate, Environment & Sustainability yet?

Added on March 07, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International GRE 170 GRE V 155 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.80 Masters
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Two summer internships, one semester internship, all in the related fields, strong recommendation letters, strong SOP

Added on March 06, 2022

Rejected on 6 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 4.10 Masters
Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dear {MyName}: Thank you for your interest in the Aeronautics and Astronautics graduate program at MIT. You clearly have many strengths, but unfortunately we cannot offer you admission to our department at this time. Our committee selects from a large and talented pool of applicants each year (this year fewer than 8% of applicants were admitted), and we are truly sorry that we cannot extend to you, and many other strong students, the invitation to study with us for September 2022. We wish you much success as you take the next steps in your studies and your career. Sincerely, Graduate Admissions Committee Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics MIT

Added on March 06, 2022

Rejected on 2 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 161 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.00 Masters
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 05, 2022

Accepted on 4 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 3.97 PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology :)

Added on March 05, 2022

Accepted on 4 Mar Fall 2022 American PhD
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 05, 2022

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 4.00 Masters
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 05, 2022

Accepted on 4 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Science Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 04, 2022

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on March 04, 2022

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Computational Science And Engineering (CSE), Massachusetts Institute of Technology No GRE, 4.0, First author paper, 3 yrs TA, 3 yrs Research. Top 10 undergrad school. Applied Mid-November. Congrats to everyone who got in!

Added on March 04, 2022

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 4.00 Masters
Media Arts And Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Said, "We received more than 900 applications and were able to admit less than 3%."

Added on March 04, 2022

Rejected on 5 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 167 GRE V 155 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 Masters

Results 1081 - 1100 of 9330