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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2010

Mathematics, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor A kind rejection letter for the English/Women's Studies Joint Ph.D. program. They are looking to enroll 2 out of 50 applicants.

Added on February 08, 2010

Rejected on 8 Feb American PhD
Mathematics, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor turned down the offer

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science(EECS), University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 8 Feb International PhD
Civil And Environmental Engineering (Environmental), University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor Waiting to hear about funding

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Applied Physics, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor first acceptance

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 29 Jan American PhD
Political Science, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 5 Feb PhD
Political Theory, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor informal email from Prof. in my field.

Added on February 07, 2010

Accepted on 1 Feb International PhD
Macromolecular Science & Engineering Program, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 06, 2010

Accepted on 6 Feb International PhD
Cognitive And Biological Psychology, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 05, 2010

Rejected on 15 Jan American PhD
Kinesiology, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 05, 2010

Rejected on 5 Feb American PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor First decision! Sort of relieved even though it wasn't an acceptance. Short waitlist so things are hopeful.

Added on February 05, 2010

Wait listed American PhD
Asian Languages & Cultures, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 04, 2010

Accepted on 4 Feb American PhD
English (Language And Literature), University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor 6 years of guaranteed funding

Added on February 04, 2010

Accepted on 3 Feb American GRE 750 GRE V 670 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.95 PhD
Political Science, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 03, 2010

Accepted on 3 Feb PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor Hm. Says the waitlist is small and they will likely be making some offers. I really love this program, so if you got an offer and plan on turning it down, I humbly beg you to do so quickly!

Added on February 03, 2010

Wait listed American GRE 740 GRE V 800 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.82 PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor Really kind email about having to make fewer offers this year because of the economy. Here's to hoping a few of you Mich acceptances get other/better offers and I can get a spot! There's this weird and kind of profound sense of comfort in finally at least hearing something from somewhere. Congrats to the accepted!

Added on February 03, 2010

Wait listed PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor 6 years funding (2 fellowship, 4 teaching).

Added on February 03, 2010

Accepted on 3 Feb American PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor 6 years funded, also being nominated for an additional fellowship. Visitation weekend 3/25-3/27. Good luck to those who are still waiting!

Added on February 03, 2010

Accepted on 3 Feb American PhD
English, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Added on February 03, 2010

Accepted on 3 Feb American PhD

Results 10101 - 10120 of 11826