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February 2024

Middle Eastern, South Asian And African Studies (MESAAS), Columbia University Rejected for PhD, admitted to MA. Probably cannot go, as there is no funding.

Added on February 29, 2024

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International Masters
History, Cornell University american with UK masters degree. received encouraging email from DGS (not addressed to me personally though, just “dear applicant” lol) informing me that i had made it to the last round of decisions, and ultimately the rejection was based on faculty availability/area distribution rather than qualifications. makes sense because i do asian american history and there's only one asian americanist in the faculty. email said there were over 225 applicants for less than 10 spots. looks like this cycle might be a shutout for me. 0a/1w/4r/1p.

Added on February 28, 2024

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2024 Other GPA 3.70 PhD
Art History, University Of Kansas Had nice chats with poi through emails, and one meeting where she asked me why I wanted to study east asian art at KU. Received an informal offer from that meeting and got official email from Department yesterday.

Added on February 28, 2024

Accepted on 27 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
East Asian Studies, Free University Of Berlin

Added on February 28, 2024

Rejected on 23 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
East Asian Languages And Cultures, Indiana University Bloomington Had an interview in January

Added on February 27, 2024

Rejected on 27 Feb Fall 2024 American PhD
MESAAS, Columbia University rejected from the PhD, accepted to the MA. south asian subfield. unsure whether i will accept.

Added on February 27, 2024

Rejected on 27 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Middle Eastern, South Asian, And African Studies, Columbia University Rejected from doctoral program and offered admission to the MA.

Added on February 27, 2024

Rejected on 27 Feb Fall 2024 American PhD
East Asian Languages And Civilizations, The University Of Chicago

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
East Asian Languages And Civilizations, Harvard University

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Statistics, University Of Iowa w.o. interview, unofficial acceptance mail, initially admitted to MS (w. qual required to PhD). I'm BS applied statistics in Asian some unknown university.

Added on February 26, 2024

Accepted on 26 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 159 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.80 PhD
East Asian Languages And Cultures, Indiana University Bloomington

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
East Asian Languages And Cultures, Washington University In St. Louis (WashU)

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2024 International Masters
East Asian Languages And Cultures, Indiana University Bloomington Rejected after interview. I'll go to somewhere else though

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Chemistry, University Of Pennsylvania Maybe for East Asian it is hard...

Added on February 26, 2024

Rejected on 23 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 151 GPA 4.00 PhD
East Asian Studies, Stanford University Ignore 'Waitlist.' Does anyone who applied to Stanford's EAS MA program have a general idea of when they're releasing decisions? I know decisions last year were released on Feb 17th. Apparently it's taking longer this year?

Added on February 26, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International Masters
East Asian Languages And Cultures, Harvard University Informal notification from POIs. Cannot believe it myself. (This is a second post because I incorrectly posted the first time.)

Added on February 23, 2024

Accepted on 23 Feb Fall 2024 American PhD
Asian Languages And Cultures, University Of California, Los Angeles As expected.

Added on February 23, 2024

Rejected on 23 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
East Asian Languages And Cultures, University Of California, Los Angeles That ends my application season, folks.

Added on February 23, 2024

Rejected on 23 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Asian Studies, University Of California, Santa Barbara

Added on February 22, 2024

Accepted on 21 Feb Fall 2024 American GPA 3.69 Masters
Asian Studies, University Of California, Santa Barbara Within expectation but still really thirlled!

Added on February 21, 2024

Accepted on 21 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.86 Masters

Results 81 - 100 of 3699