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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2011

Material Science And Engineering, Cornell University One journal publication, three conference presentations

Added on February 10, 2011

Rejected on 10 Feb International GRE 800 GRE V 680 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.20 PhD
Materials Science, Cornell University 4th rejection in a row. 9 more to go! / GPA 3.6 / GRE- V670 Q800 AW3.5 / 1 pub and 7 co-authored pub

Added on February 10, 2011

Rejected on 10 Feb International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering (MSE), Cornell University 1st rejection... same as the guy below...surprised but I didn't really want to go there , either!!!

Added on February 10, 2011

Rejected on 10 Feb International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering (MSE), Cornell University There are too many good students... : )

Added on February 10, 2011

Rejected on 9 Feb International GPA 3.82 PhD
Material Science, Cornell University Eh. Kinda surprised about this one but whatever, I didn't really want to go there anyways.

Added on February 09, 2011

Rejected on 9 Feb American PhD
Materials Science & Engineering, Cornell University 2nd rejection, high research experience with several first author publications.

Added on February 09, 2011

Rejected on 9 Feb International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University Apparently the number of students who can be accepted is limited.

Added on February 09, 2011

Rejected on 9 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on February 05, 2011

Accepted on 5 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University visit day 03/07

Added on February 05, 2011

Accepted on 5 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Email sent by chair of committee. A letter with details later.

Added on February 05, 2011

Accepted on 5 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University 1 conference pub.

Added on February 05, 2011

Accepted on 4 Feb American GRE 800 GRE V 460 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.80 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on February 05, 2011

Accepted on 4 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on February 04, 2011

Accepted on 4 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University I am a SJTUer. Bless all SJTUers!

Added on February 02, 2011

Interview International PhD

January 2011

Computer Science, Cornell University POI mentioned results should be out next week. Best of luck all!

Added on January 29, 2011

Interview International PhD
Information Science, Cornell University focus on HCI. I had 2 interview, 1 from phd student and 1 from director, and will have one more with a professor. Dose anyone else hear from them?

Added on January 28, 2011

Interview International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on January 21, 2011

Interview International PhD
Government/Political Science, Cornell University Received a letter, saying "All of your materials have arrived and your application file is complete. If offered admission, you would need to provide official scores and transcripts. "

Added on January 20, 2011

Other International Other

November 2010

Information Science, Cornell University Master of Professional Studies. It's a new program at Cornell.

Added on November 10, 2010

Accepted on 8 Nov International Masters

April 2010

Computer Science, Cornell University What are my chances of gettign accepted if I am waitlisted? Also, if not going to Cornell, please do withdraw. I really want to goto Cornell so badly :'( Thank you.

Added on April 16, 2010

Wait listed American GRE 800 GRE V 710 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.40 Masters

Results 901 - 920 of 2264