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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2023

Materials Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4 research experiences, 1 patent

Added on February 03, 2023

Rejected on 24 Jan Fall 2023 American GPA 3.93 PhD
Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Accepted by phone call from POI after interview mid-Jan. This is insane btw

Added on February 03, 2023

Accepted on 3 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Got a call, Inorganic sub-field!

Added on February 03, 2023

Accepted on 3 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Had an interview in early January.

Added on February 03, 2023

Accepted on 27 Jan Fall 2023 American GRE 170 GRE V 167 GPA 3.95 PhD
HAST, Massachusetts Institute of Technology No GRE

Added on February 03, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD
Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 02, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 American GPA 3.80 PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 02, 2023

Rejected on 27 Jan Fall 2023 International GPA 3.86 PhD
Brain And Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 02, 2023

Rejected on 18 Jan Fall 2023 International PhD
Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology organic, met with profs and grad students ahead of time, 2.5 yr undergrad orgo research, 2.5 post grad med chem synthetic experience

Added on February 02, 2023

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.92 PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology General question Should all without an interview for MIT Physics consider that they are rejected?

Added on February 02, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 International PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Did not submit GREs. Competitive research experience. Interview same week as notification.

Added on February 01, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 American GPA 3.98 PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 01, 2023

Accepted on 23 Jan Fall 2023 American GPA 3.87 PhD
Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 01, 2023

Rejected on 20 Jan Fall 2023 International GPA 3.92 PhD
Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the middle of taking the nastiest sh*t in the history of grad admissions, I still managed to log into the portal to check for any updates... PUUHLEASE let me in already :/ :/

Added on February 01, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 American PhD

January 2023

Computational Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Already interviewed with the home department (chemical engineering) in the first week of January and was accepted also to the home department.

Added on January 31, 2023

Accepted on 31 Jan Fall 2023 American PhD
Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Got acceptance over a phone call today morning! Yaay!

Added on January 31, 2023

Accepted on 31 Jan Fall 2023 International PhD
EAPS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology personal email from PI informing me in advance. official letter from the department emailed to me this morning. My UG advisor and I are working on publishing my senior thesis, but no publications beyond that. However, I did have a lot of research experience in my subfield which, as many others on this platform stated, was likely invaluable to my application. I'm over the moon!

Added on January 31, 2023

Accepted on 30 Jan Fall 2023 American GPA 3.85 PhD
History, Anthropology, And Science, Technology And Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on January 31, 2023

Rejected on 29 Jan Fall 2023 International PhD
Earth, Atmospheric, And Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Details: Got a formal letter of admissions this morning via email followed by an email from my potential PI shortly after. I was in close contact with him throughout the Fall and we sent some interesting papers back and forth. I answered some questions he had (about my application) via email on January 15th. No GREs taken, no current publications. Background: I completed my undergrad in Geology at a top 10 R1 University and worked for >2 years on a project fairly related to my POI's work. I also completed a Summer REU in the same field, along with a visiting research fellowship and summer graduate-level training program (again, in the same sub-field). I have multiple B+s and three C's on my undergraduate transcript, all in math/physics, so that focused research background really was key for my application. I was also very well-liked in my department (I asked a lot of questions) and was told by my LORs that they wrote me strong letters (two of whom are famous in their fields). I know the stress is real guys, but remember to find value in your lives outside of grad admissions. I was ecstatic for 10 minutes after getting my admissions notification and then all my anxiety came back and I realized I am still the same person, with the same struggles, and the same potential, as I was before I got this letter. Your response to life's challenges will determine your future, not some old geezers on a grad admission panel. Okay bye.

Added on January 30, 2023

Accepted on 30 Jan Fall 2023 American GPA 3.65 PhD
HASTS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jan. 29 update: Our admissions committee has extended interview invitations to everyone we anticipate interviewing, and we have now received confirmation of receipt from all of them. We will most likely admit from this pool of applicants, but are not sending out final admissions decisions to applicants in case the committee decides to extend interview invitations to a few more applicants. We expect to email final notifications to those who were not interviewed by March 1.

Added on January 30, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 International PhD

Results 861 - 880 of 9330