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Recent Graduate Admission Results November -0001

Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology TTPB: Do not worry about MIT rejecting you. I have two papers at top venues, one of which is a first author. But the biggest problem was I come from a place where my recommenders weren't well known. To the best of my knowledge, schools in top 10, including places like UT Austin are taking students if your recommenders are known to the admissions committee. I am bummed because all my recommenders gave me strong letters and still I got rejected. If this should be the case, I would rather suggest that you all don't worry. You will surely get in somewhere where only Academic Merit is valued and not networking. Sadly, we live in a world where it is very difficult for individuals to get admitted all by themselves if they can't find good connections with Professors elsewhere. What bums me even more is the simple fact that if even one of your Letter writer sends an email to a prof at a top uni anywhere (personally if they know each other), all the other tangibles are overlooked and you atleast get looked at very deeply in the application and guess what, have an excellent chance of making it even if your application is okay. never lose hope. sometimes life isn't just about making it to these places. its bigger :)

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 163 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.80 PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology GPA 9.03/10.00 from a premier Indian Institute, Participation and a Gold in iGEM, Masters Thesis at Max Planck. No GREs, Good TOEFL scores. Congrats to the selected applicants.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
(EECS) Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Expected.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 159 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 9.25 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology To the person who got accepted to MIT with funding. Congratulations! Would you mind sharing how much the funding is and what conditions (eg TA/RA are attached)? Thanks!

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology To the MIT poster below, is your undergrad GPA really 3.0? Congrats on your acceptance!

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other PhD
Urban Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology To the poster below: Did you receive the acceptance this morning? Thanks.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology I guess they're done with admitting students? Welp. One should atleast send out a rejection or a courtesy email to students informing them of whether they are still evaluating applications or not, considering its been more than 2.5 months now. Sad.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other Masters
HASTS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Generic email from Director of Graduate Studies and Academic Administrator (STS): "We are sorry to inform you that we will not be able to offer you admission to the doctoral program in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and Society (HASTS) at MIT. This year we received 147 applications and we only could only grant interviews to 12% of the applicants for an even smaller number of slots. Please note that the committee is unable to provide feedback on individual applications. Your application was given careful consideration and although we are not able to offer you admission, the committee would like to thank you for your interest in the program and wish you the very best in your future endeavors. "

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Losing my mind. This is unreal.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 170 GRE V 167 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.99 PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT undergrad

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 170 GRE V 170 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.70 PhD
Aeronautics And Astronautics (AeroAstro), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Generic reply: less than 12%... (exactly the same as last year!)

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Congrats to those who got ii. Would you mind sharing the fields of research you mentioned in your application?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other PhD
EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thanks! MIT is one of my dream offer!

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov Other GRE 170 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.98 Masters
Brain And Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview International GRE 161 GRE V 164 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.98 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plus funding

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International PhD
Electrical And Computer Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Generic email, invited for a SKYPE with poi.

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American GRE 167 GRE V 162 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.88 PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International Masters
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (EECS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Area of interest: Robotics; no publications. Not too surprised

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov American GRE 166 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 4.00 PhD

Results 8601 - 8620 of 9330