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Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results November -0001

Political Science (IR), The Ohio State University kind of expected it but still heartbroken. but thanks for letting us know early....

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 162 GRE V 160 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.54 PhD
Tetrad Graduate Program, University of California-San Francisco

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American GRE 161 GRE V 158 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.84 PhD
Chemistry, University of Virginia

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 161 GRE V 150 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.56 PhD
Public Relations, Syracuse University with 10k scholarship

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 160 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.50 Masters
Engineering Management, Dartmouth College

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview International GRE 170 GRE V 166 GRE AW 5.00 Masters
Clinical Psychology, Penn State University invite to interview day- choice of 2/9 or 2/10

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American PhD
Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology, Baruch College, CUNY Waitlisted but PLEASE - if you are NOT planning on accepting, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let them know as soon as possible. This is my number 1 choice!! Asking for a friend

Added on November 30, -0001

Wait listed PhD
(Pure) Mathematics, University of Notre Dame I was a TA and tutor at top 20 undergrad institution with a paper in review from an REU. ND offered $20,000 assistantship, no first-year teaching, and $4,000 summer fellowship.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 165 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.70 PhD
Audiology (Au.D.), Western Michigan University Declined these offers today, should hopefully help out the waitlist.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other American Other
Dyslexia Therapy, University of Southern Mississippi Year-long M.Ed program begins with May intersession and independent practicum begins in Fall. BS in CSD.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 149 GRE V 167 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.10 Masters
Clinical Psychology, Bowing Green State University Interviews on 2/19 and 2/26.

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American PhD
Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware Anyone knows if they often admit people of the waitlist? I just wanna know if I have a realistic chance or if I should mentally prepare for a rejection and try next year. No acceptances this year unfortunately..

Added on November 30, -0001

Wait listed International PhD
Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill @UNC Poster Below - I haven't emailed them. I've got an offer from a school that fits my interests better, so I didn't want to hassle them if I wasn't going to accept the offer anyway.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other American PhD
Communication Sciences, Longwood University I went to Longwood for 2 semesters of undergrad and I'm taking my pre-reqs through their online program right now. I had really great LORs and lots of experience. Not sure if I'll be accepting as I'm wait listed at 3 schools and have another offer elsewhere.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov GRE 150 GRE V 152 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.67 Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University My fifth reject.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 169 GRE V 152 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.85 PhD
Arts Administration, Columbia College

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 156 GRE V 167 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.82 Masters
Molecular And Computational Biology, USC So stoked!!!!

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American PhD
Applied Mathematics MASt Part III, Cambridge College Does anyone know if all offers have been sent out, or if there are more to come? My account still says 'under review by department'. I applied late February. Thank you :)

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International GPA 3.90 Masters
MAS, MIT Media Lab To the person that had a Skype interview today, which group was it?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International Masters
Work And Organizations, Niversity Of Minnesota - Carlson School Of Management

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD

Results 860521 - 860540 of 880865