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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2023

Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "On behalf of the members of the Graduate Admissions Committee, we thank you for your time and effort in submitting an application to our graduate degree program. We are sorry to inform you that you are not being offered admission to the MIT Physics doctoral program. We received more than 1,700 applications for an incoming class of around 40 students this year. We understand that candidates not offered admission often want to explore what they could have done differently, but we regret that the volume of applications and inquiries we receive precludes us from providing any individual feedback. We hope that you will enroll in a graduate program that fits your interests and we wish you success in your graduate studies."

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Hep-ex

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 3.90 PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Masters in Theoretical Physics + Strong RLs + Research Exp + Published paper. Hep-th

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 3.68 PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology hep-th, no gre no publication, two year research experience, official rejection through email

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 3.64 PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Not official rejection. I see a couple of guys posting acceptances here. Big congrats, guys! I haven't heard a thing from MIT, so I assume I've already been rejected.

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 14, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 American GRE 168 GRE V 168 GPA 3.97 PhD
Physics, Hep-ex, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Applied as master, 2 first-author papers, but one in an unrelated field.

Added on February 14, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 GPA 3.93 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology CMT

Added on February 14, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.99 PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pls ignore the status. Is there anyone else also hasn't heard back from the ORC? Is this a silent rejection?

Added on February 14, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AMO experiment. Email notification from the academic administrator. pGRE 990. Reached out for PIs prior to admission. Interview went relatively well.

Added on February 14, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 4.00 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Standard rejection email

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 164 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology applied just for fun. 2 year predoc + 1.5 year graduate RA. gotta be born again to get into MIT

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The ride ended before it even started

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 169 GPA 3.80 PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Got an email informing me of the rejection. Not very surprising. Good luck to everyone else.

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 American GRE 169 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.88 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology email from graduate program director (non-faculty) with offer letter attached.

Added on February 14, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 American GRE 170 GRE V 166 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.98 PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ignore status. I received no e-mail. What does this mean?

Added on February 14, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 International PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology L

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 American GRE 170 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.98 PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 14 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 3.83 PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Added on February 14, 2023

Rejected on 12 Jan Fall 2023 American GPA 3.60 PhD

Results 761 - 780 of 9330