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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2024

History, Stanford University Ignore the interviews!! Please share some information regarding the results. I am eagerly awaiting. I am nervous because it is my only application. I wrote Professor Amir Weiner in my SoP. Good luck for everyone :)))

Added on February 02, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 Other GPA 3.89 PhD
Computer Science, Stanford University

Added on February 02, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 International PhD
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Stanford University UNOFFICIAL offer from my advisor, who said decisions should start coming out by the end of next week

Added on February 01, 2024

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2024 American GPA 3.80 PhD
Economics, Stanford University Didn't have the mental energy to submit it yesterday. Predoc top 5 + top 20 UG. 1a/1w/0r/20p

Added on February 01, 2024

Accepted on 31 Jan Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 162 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.91 PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 International GRE 169 GPA 4.00 PhD
Earth Systems Science (ESS), Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 Other PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 American GRE 169 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.91 PhD
Economics, Stanford University no predoc but extensive undergrad research w/ 2 papers. expected nonetheless.

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 American GRE 170 GRE V 159 GPA 3.87 PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University 2 Publications from undergraduate research, 2 Internships (one in an international company, another in a Power Plant)

Added on February 01, 2024

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 163 GRE V 163 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.96 PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International GRE 166 GRE V 163 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.86 PhD
Economics, Stanford University uwu

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 International GRE 169 PhD
Sociology, Stanford University I expected this rejection as my personal statement was very weak (this was the first program I applied to)

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 American GRE 162 GRE V 165 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.93 PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 167 GRE V 156 GRE AW 3.00 PhD
Economics, Stanford University GPA is masters, predoc at T5

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 31 Jan Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 4.00 PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University Neglecte the status. did the department finish all the interviews?

Added on February 01, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Archaeology, Stanford University Invitation to visit campus at the end of February after initial Zoom interview

Added on February 01, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 PhD
Economics, Stanford University

Added on February 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 170 PhD

Results 561 - 580 of 17363