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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2012

American History, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park email to check website

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar American PhD
Philosophy, ีUniversity Of Maryland To the poster below who belittled disgruntled and frusturated applicants: congratulations, you have just been accepted into SAU (smart-a@& university)

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar Other PhD
Philosophy, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Parkd - College Park I, for one, am glad to see that the greatest minds in the world aren't using those resources to send each of us a personalized rejection letter. And the application fee wasn't a waste; we spent money on a service, i.e. to be evaluated as to whether or not we would be right for these departments.

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar American PhD
Physics, University Of Maryland, College Park Rejected upon Email inquiry :( "We are very sorry to inform that despite your very high qualifications we are unable to admit you to the Physics program at the University of Maryland. We had over 750 applications this year and we could not admit all the students."

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar International PhD
Philosophy, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park To those rejectees who complain about a high application fee + impersonal letter of rejection: the good news is you're likely to be accepted to WhU (Whine University).

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar American GRE 166 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
BISI Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & Genomics (CBBG), ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park Undergrad GPA Doesn't matter, did fine in Science courses. Have three years of research experience with first author paper in high impact journal.

Added on March 08, 2012

Accepted on 8 Mar American GRE 87 GRE V 72 GRE AW 72.00 GPA 3.00 PhD
Urban And Regional Planning And Design, University Of Maryland - College Park

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar International PhD
Philosophy, University Of Maryland (College Park) E-mail to check site. Really disappointed by this one. 1/1/8 (15)

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar American GRE 160 GRE V 167 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.82 PhD
Philosophy, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park E-mail to check website, impersonal letter stating rejection from the program. $75 down the drain...

Added on March 08, 2012

Rejected on 8 Mar American GRE 660 GRE V 680 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.94 PhD
Music Performance, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park Half Teacher assistanship

Added on March 08, 2012

Accepted on 5 Mar American Masters
Philosophy, University Of Maryland (UMD), College Park ~16-20 position on waitlist. Very likely accepting another offer.

Added on March 07, 2012

Wait listed American PhD
Physics, University Of Maryland - College Park Sent an inquiry to Linda asking about the status... replied me I am rejected.

Added on March 07, 2012

Rejected on 7 Mar International GRE 630 GRE V 800 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.60 PhD
Commuicative Disorders/ Speech Pathology, Loyola University Maryland Accepted with $5000 scholarship

Added on March 07, 2012

Accepted on 7 Mar American GRE 700 GRE V 500 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.90 Masters
Communication Disorders Speech Pathology, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park Waitlisted - for last 60 cred. 3.8 gpa

Added on March 07, 2012

Wait listed American GRE 148 GRE V 152 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.67 Masters
PHSR, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park Did anyone hear anything from the program?

Added on March 07, 2012

Other Other PhD
Counselor Education And Supervision, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park Received an email from program director stating that they decided to suspend admissions to program for Fall 2012. :( At least I got my application fee back! :)

Added on March 07, 2012

Other American PhD
Economics, ีUniversity Of Maryland - College Park

Added on March 07, 2012

Rejected on 7 Mar International PhD
Economcis, Loyola Or University Of Maryland College Park

Added on March 07, 2012

Rejected on 7 Mar International PhD
Economics, University of Maryland Global Campus

Added on March 07, 2012

Rejected on 5 Mar International PhD
BISI Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & Genomics (CBBG), University Of Maryland (UMD), College Park

Added on March 07, 2012

Accepted on 7 Mar American PhD

Results 4221 - 4240 of 10238