Graduate School Admission Results

About 521 results

School Program Added On Decision
Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov
GPA 3.60

I haven't heard anything from Columbia yet. However, got rejected from NYU Data Science Program. Please also tell me what admission portal were you referring to?

Columbia University (Fu Foundation School Of Engineering)
(Computer Science - Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 170
GRE V 161
GRE AW 5.00
GPA 3.50

Thinking about attending, definitely. Question for everyone else around here: what other programs were you considering? Did anyone consider Steven's BI&A or the Data Science programs at Berkeley, USF or NYU?

Columbia University (Fu Foundation School Of Engineering)
(Computer Science - Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 164
GRE V 158
GRE AW 4.50
GPA 3.90

Email to check the website. They did not look at my video submission so not sure if that matters in the application. Non-engineering undergrad but data science experience at work ( 1 year)

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov
GRE 163
GRE V 158
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.60

More than five years of experience in data warehousing - BI

Columbia University (FFSEAS)
(Computer Science - Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the person below: still waiting on any word from Columbia, but have been accepted at Stevens BI&A and Georgetown. To all posters below: did you receive a waitlist notification before acceptance/rejection notifications? best of luck to all!

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov

To all the stressed out people freaking out about not hearing back from Columbia and trying to game out what this means: I emailed them and was informed that I'm on their wait list, but did not get any official form email or have my status updated on the application website. That is what I know for sure. My GUESS is that anybody else who has not been accepted or rejected is also on the wait list, and I suspect that we may not hear anything until after April 15, by which time the most recent batch of admits is supposed to give Columbia their answers (according to someone who posted on this site).

Columbia University FFSEASSS
(Computer Science - Data Science) Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Is anyone still waiting to hear back from the program? I know some people posted about being put on the waitlist, but it doesn't seem as if there have been any other admissions/rejections.

Columbia University (FFSEAS)
(Computer Science - Data Science) Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

To the person who posted the acceptance below, were you on the waitlist or did you get accepted straight out? Thank you.

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
(Computer Science - Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 169
GRE V 154
GRE AW 4.00
GPA 3.90

Can't believe my eyes! Finally got accepted. Still awaiting CMU but not much expectations from that. Will be joining Columbia 99%.

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Any still hasn't got the result? I am still waiting...I submitted the application after the priority deadline. Does this matter?

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
GRE 166
GRE V 152
GRE AW 3.50

Non-CS Undergrad from IITB, CPI=7.1, 2.5 year work ex in analytics

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

I also applied after the Feb 15th deadline and haven't heard back yet

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Wait listed on 30 Nov
Total comments
Wait listed on 30 Nov

Any idea how many are waitlisted here and when possibly can we hear about the results ? I am getting anxious !

Columbia University (Fu Foundation)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov
Columbia University FFSEAS
(Computer Science - Data Science) Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

I haven't heard anything yet as well

The University of British Columbia
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Haven't got a response from UBC data science yet. They expected to take decisions by 30th June. Is this a bad sign? Have many people gotten an admit from this program?

Columbia University (FFSEAS)
(Computer Science - Data Science) Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Congratulations to the most recent admit! I was wondering, when did you apply? I'm still waiting to hear back as well. Thanks.

The University of British Columbia
Computer Science - Master Of Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
Total comments
Rejected on 30 Nov


Columbia University (SEAS)
Data Science Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

E-mailed to ask about timeline on 4/6 and got no response. Is the post below real? Has anyone else heard anything lately? Just waiting on them before I make my final decision for next year....

Columbia University (FFSEAS)
(Computer Science - Master Of Data Science MDS) Masters
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

Has anyone heard back from the program? The post from 7 Apr 2018 says that admissions results should be available by today. I have not received an update in terms of my application status. Is anyone in the same situation?/ Has anyone received a decision as of today? (4/9/18)