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Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results December 2020

Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Till now no updates from the department. I'm really nervous already

Added on December 21, 2020

Other Fall 2021 International Masters
Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Guys any update from the graduate administrator? Any update from the department?

Added on December 19, 2020

Other Fall 2021 Other Masters

October 2020

LGO, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on October 30, 2020

Rejected on 29 Oct Fall 2021 MBA

July 2020

SMArchS Urbanism, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) The waitlist is still open and it's daunting everyday. The original list should have been released on April and it's July. Anyone here with any updates?

Added on July 03, 2020

Other Other Masters

May 2020

Urban Planning, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) To the admitted ones: Do you suggest MIT for application?

Added on May 01, 2020

Other International Masters

April 2020

SMARCHS Computation, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on April 20, 2020

Wait listed International Masters
Architecture, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Anyone waiting for SMArchS A+U waitlist results as well? Or did anyone receive any notifications of when will the results be out?

Added on April 18, 2020

Other Masters
Architecture, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Anyone has hear back from the wait-list?

Added on April 17, 2020

Wait listed Other Masters
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: Congrats on your admit! Here's the link:

Added on April 16, 2020

Other Other Masters
Microbiology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Heads up to future applicants: This program won't let you know if you're on the waitlist, or make any contact post-interview if you are not immediately accepted post-interview. Emailing to ask about your status leads to zero acknowledgment or response, UNTIL either accepted or April 15th hits. I would have appreciated knowing this going into the application process.

Added on April 15, 2020

Rejected on 15 Apr American PhD
Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Undergrad at Yale, 3 summer REUs, 6 publications, 2 of which are submitted preprints. Participated in Putnam 4 times, and gotten double digit score 3 times. Given invited talks and done workshops.

Added on April 15, 2020

Rejected on 12 Feb American GRE 170 GRE V 169 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.93 PhD
Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Has anyone heard back, with any kind of decision? My status is still pending.

Added on April 15, 2020

Other International Masters
IDM, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Design stream, 4 years of work experience.

Added on April 14, 2020

Accepted on 13 Apr International Masters
IDM, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on April 14, 2020

Accepted on 13 Apr American Masters
Brain And Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) I wish I wasn't invited to the interview, then be put on the waitlist, just to be reject after all this waiting. Let me tell you something my friends. Hope is a dangerous thing.

Added on April 13, 2020

Rejected on 13 Apr International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Turned down MIT. Good luck to the waitlist, hope they process you inside of the next 4 days.

Added on April 11, 2020

Other American PhD
IDM, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on April 10, 2020

Interview American Masters
Interdepartmental Program In Transportation, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on April 09, 2020

Rejected on 16 Mar International PhD
Economics, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Humbling and disappointing at the same time. Majored in econ at Rotman for undergrad and did UChicago's masters program in econ. I really though I was MIT material. Cringing at myself for thinking Chicago professors weren't smart enough for me. I guess the joke's on me -- or rather, I am the joke itself

Added on April 09, 2020

Rejected on 25 Feb PhD
EECS, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Frustrated

Added on April 07, 2020

Rejected on 7 Apr International PhD

Results 2941 - 2960 of 9330