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March 2017

Communication Science & Disorders, Speech Pathology, New York University (NYU Steinhardt) To the poster asking about financial aid-- I called last week and I believe they said that we should get an email by the end of March telling us that our financial aid information is available on the portal that we now have access to.

Added on March 15, 2017

Other American Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School ENOUGH WITH THE OPEN HOUSE LINK! Seriously. A dual degree student who was already ACCEPTED says they get "Access Denied." Someone else called the school and said it doesn't mean anything. SO ENOUGH. Stop making people worried for no reason.

Added on March 15, 2017

Other Other Masters
M.S. In Journalism, Columbia Journalism School Anyone still able to access the open house registration link?

Added on March 15, 2017

Other International Masters
2 Year Social Work (MSW), (Arizona State University) ASU Unable to access my admissions letter yet!

Added on March 15, 2017

Accepted on 14 Mar American Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School This is ridiculous. They said the 15th -- now they're saying Friday. They have their decisions ready and they should be out by now. This is incredibly unfair to the 900+ people waiting. I hate bureaucracy so much!! But I have to say, the admitted dual degree poster saying that he got "Access Denied," definitely eased my nerves a bit -- thank you.

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters
Journalism And Computer Science, Columbia Journalism School Hi all, I'm the dual degree admit from two fridays ago and came back to see if anyone had heard about funding. I'm sorry you're all still waiting. It's the fucking worst. At any rate, I can confirm that I also get "access denied" when I try to log in, so it clearly means nothing. Also, in response to a post below, I too have seen gradcafe cull non-decision-related posts (happened to one of mine for another school).

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters

Added on March 13, 2017

Other International Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School I agree with the poster below. It looks like the majority of us have "Access Denied." There's no way all of us got rejected/waitlisted. I'm about to call them -- those of you who called, which number did you call? I see individual phone numbers for all the admissions staff and don't know which to dial.

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School To poster below who can access--it might be because you actually registered on Friday before they closed the page to people, and so you're able to see the page now? (I'm guessing that most people who could access and then couldn't access didn't register for open house). Other option is that you're in and those of us who don't have access didn't.

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters

Added on March 13, 2017

Other International Masters
Masters Of Science Journalism, Columbia University So Guys I was able to register for open house Friday and I even got an email automated saying thank you for registering it could be a glitch tbh but what's weird is when I login with my applicant email and password it shows admitted program MS full time 2017 and then it shows a map for directions on where to go. When you guys login does it just show a blank screen with access denied? I'm so confused 😭

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters
Annenberg School For Journalism, Columbia Journalism School Yeah I don't think they'll be monitoring or deleting anything. I think they're a few days later than usual with their decision and we're probably the year that did most research on older posts which is why this is the antsiest forum. We all had high expectations for getting an answer on Friday, so we should be prepared we may not even hear from them today, unfortunately. The best we can all do is phone them and push for a decision. They are taking away from our time to decide. Say in the phone call that you need to commit to another school soon. Is anyone else able to register for Open House? Or are you getting Access Denied? This sucks so much. I can't focus on anything or get work done. I'm literally physically sick in the stomach.

Added on March 13, 2017

Other American Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School Hey hey! Let's be rational here. It looks like everyone is getting "Access Denied." Even the posters who previously wrote they were able to open the open house registration before are saying they are now getting access denied. I think the poster down below means he/she can see the open house description, not that he/she has the option to register. I don't think Columbia would make such a glaring technical error as to allow access to certain features of the site before they release their decision. We'll see (hopefully) tomorrow

Added on March 12, 2017

Other Other Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School I get access denied as well! While it makes me 'accept' the rejection decision gradually (and I don't even have high hopes..:(.. ), I still feel sick at the thought! It's okay, guys! We'll know tomorrow (hopefully). God knows how many applications they received and how they were feeling on those days...Even if it's rejection, we can't let anybody measure our skills. We'll get 'there' one day. If it's not through Columbia, then another path is waiting for us! *Just need to convince myself with these word* haha

Added on March 12, 2017

Other Masters
MS Journalism, Columbia University To the poster below: I get access denied when I log in, but If you are able to register for the open house, I think that means you're probably in and I'm not. Don't take my word for it though..

Added on March 12, 2017

Other Masters
MS Journalism, Columbia Journalism Schoolnalism To the poster below: I get access denied when I log in, but If you are able to register for the open house, I think that means you're probably in and I'm not. Don't take my word for it though..

Added on March 12, 2017

Other Masters
MS Journalism, Columbia Journalism School I tried accessing the open house registration yesterday in the early morning and was able to do it. I tried again today and got access denied. So to the posters below, I feel your pain.

Added on March 11, 2017

Other GPA 3.55 Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School I was able to access the open house registration too and now I can't. It means nothing! They're probadly just sick of us snooping around for signs.

Added on March 11, 2017

Other International Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School I agree with the person below! lol I've tried to access the 'open house' too and got 'access denied'. I felt sick for a second. :( Can the people who were previously able to log in, try and do it again now to see if they will get 'access denied' too ?

Added on March 11, 2017

Other Masters
Journalism, Columbia Journalism School PHEW! Thank you so much for that, poster below. To see "access denied" after the previous posts said people were able to log in was soul-crushing. This forum is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I appreciate all you guys on here and sincerely wish you the best of luck.

Added on March 11, 2017

Other Other Masters

Results 221 - 240 of 549