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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2023

Physics And Astronomy, University of Toledo Has anyone heard from the University of Toledo? I just saw a single acceptance on grad cafe and that's all I have seen.

Added on March 10, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 Masters
Physics, Georgia Institute Of Technology

Added on March 10, 2023

Accepted on 10 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.70 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, Wesleyan University

Added on March 10, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.57 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, West Virginia University Interview happened a week ago and was fruitful. Got offer the next week.

Added on March 10, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 GPA 3.50 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, University of Toledo Interviewd a week before and gve the offer.

Added on March 10, 2023

Accepted on 28 Feb Fall 2023 GPA 3.50 PhD
Physics, University Of Maryland Baltimore Hello, have anybody got offers from UMBC and when did you get the acceptance? I applied in late December and haven't heard since.

Added on March 10, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.64 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, University of Southern California Had an interview in January. Cold email of rejection. But got good offers from other universities. USC sucks 😕

Added on March 10, 2023

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.90 PhD
Physics, Ohio State University Offered GTA with $2364 per month exceprt summer term. Only cover 85% of the health insurance. Had to pay $60/month ourselves for the student service fees. I declined the offer so that another one can get the opportunity

Added on March 10, 2023

Accepted on 7 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.91 PhD
Physics, University of Oregon hep-ex. First acceptance after a string of rejections — I'd started to lose hope!

Added on March 10, 2023

Accepted on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.68 PhD
Physics, University of Southern California cmt. already got into a better school so it was kinda funny to see this reject

Added on March 09, 2023

Rejected on 9 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Southern California hep-th. international. just received the email.

Added on March 09, 2023

Rejected on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.64 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, Iowa State University Email stating that they are recommending to graduate school. They will send official letter in few days.

Added on March 09, 2023

Accepted on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.40 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, SUNY Stony Brook International Student.

Added on March 09, 2023

Rejected on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 PhD
Applied Physics, Northwestern University The most generic rejection email

Added on March 09, 2023

Rejected on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University Does anyone receive the official offer from Brandeis after the open house last week?

Added on March 09, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Georgia Institute Of Technology If you are admitted to better or more suitable places than Gatech, plz decline. Great great great thx!!! This is my only top choice and I'm so desired to the school! Great great great great thx again!!! QAQ

Added on March 09, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Illinois, Chicago (UIC)

Added on March 09, 2023

Accepted on 9 Feb Fall 2023 GPA 3.28 PhD
Physics, Utah State University Ignore waitlist. Has anyone heard from Utah State?

Added on March 09, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, University Of New Mexico Local, non-traditional. For those of you accepted please let UNM know ASAP if you are going somewhere else to help those like me! Thanks.

Added on March 09, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.62 PhD
Physics, University Of California, Davis Astrophysics. Unofficial acceptance last week from professor email and invitation to visit. Finally got the official acceptance.

Added on March 09, 2023

Accepted on 9 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 PhD

Results 2361 - 2380 of 32309