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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2021

Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Rejected on 16 Feb Fall 2021 International GPA 3.54 PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Got an email this morning from the meche grad office saying that I was admitted and the formal admittance letter would come soon. Coming from undergrad at a top university with research, leadership, and teaching experience, no publications yet.

Added on February 16, 2021

Accepted on 16 Feb Fall 2021 American GPA 3.91 Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Do you think three acceptances posted below are legit? TTacceptancesB: Can you share more the email/profiles?

Added on February 16, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Accepted on 16 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Accepted on 16 Feb Fall 2021 American Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Ttpb: wait till at least end of next week. They said decisions will hopefully be posted by end of February. I'm assuming the influx of applicants pushed the dates a bit

Added on February 16, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Accepted on 16 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Rejected on 16 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Guys any news? Is it not bit late this year? When can we expect a decision?

Added on February 16, 2021

Other Fall 2021 Other Masters
Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Rejected :((( International student. 2 years of industry experience. LOR by pioneers in the field. +4 years of academic experience/several research projects in synthetic biology. Several awards. Paper and patent.

Added on February 16, 2021

Rejected on 21 Jan Fall 2021 International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 16, 2021

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 15, 2021

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Computational Science And Engineering CSE / CDO, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Anyone notified /or/ is waiting for results?

Added on February 15, 2021

Other Fall 2021 International Masters
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 15, 2021

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2021 PhD
Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Got the phone call today. Took longer because I applied PhDCEP. So excited!!

Added on February 15, 2021

Accepted on 15 Feb Fall 2021 PhD
Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) I got a Zoom call from a PI of interest and told me that I would positively hear from MIT. Got the congratulating email on the same day. This is for the Physical Chemistry (experimental) division. Credentials: Converted GPA: 3.88/4.00, one first author international journal paper, three research projects, three strong LORs. Best of Luck!

Added on February 15, 2021

Accepted on 13 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Ttpb: They told a few weeks. So I guess it can be this week or next week. Moreover, they have mentioned that we will be receiving decisions soon.

Added on February 15, 2021

Other Fall 2021 International Masters
Transportation, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: I haven't! Is interview a part of their process? Let me know when you hear back!

Added on February 14, 2021

Other Fall 2021 International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) expected

Added on February 13, 2021

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on February 13, 2021

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD

Results 2281 - 2300 of 9330