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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2023

Physics, Penn State University Thank you again for your interest in the Ph.D. program in Physics at Penn State. We regret to inform you we are unable to offer you admission to our program. As you know, the admissions process was very competitive this year with over 500 applicants. As a result, many applicants who would do well in our program could not be admitted.

Added on March 24, 2023

Rejected on 24 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.83 PhD
Physics, Penn State University hep-th

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 23 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Penn State University hep-th. int'l

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.64 PhD
Physics, University of California-Los Angeles

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 23 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Wesleyan University Please decline the offer and inform them ASAP if you have another good offer. Because this is my last hope, I am short-waitlisted and stressed by the situation. This is the only hope left for me.

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.50 PhD
Physics, University of California-Santa Cruz Ignore waitlist. Does anyone know what's going on with UCSC? I cant even contact them because their email auto generates a generic reply. How do we know if we're waitlisted and/or rejected?

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Penn State University Applied for AMO; 9 mos. research & 1 poster in non-AMO field; 2 summer research internships. (1a/7r/2p)

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.62 PhD
Physics, Florida State University (FSU) HEP-PH. Got the status after asking the graduate co-ordinator via email. Quite expected to be honest.

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.70 PhD
Physics, University Of Arizona Anyone hear from UArizona?

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Boston University No GRE. hep-th. I received an email saying that I have been waitlisted, and they are waiting to see how many decline their offer before the April 15th deadline. If you are not going, could you please decline well before this deadline to give others on the waiting list a chance?

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, University Of Pittsburgh Idk if I'm in a waitlist or if the process is actually still ongoing. "Thank you for your application to the University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Program. We are still awaiting some final results for the graduate program decisions and would like to determine if you are still interested in our graduate program. Please let us know if you still want your application to be considered in decision making, at this point "

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Northwestern University CM-T. Had an interview in late January, and was notified of waitlist a couple of weeks ago by PI. If you have other offers that suit you better, please reject your offer at your earliest convenience, that would be most appreciated. Tough application cycle :/ .

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, University Of Waterloo International. AMO-exp. 1.5y experience in AMO labs.

Added on March 23, 2023

Rejected on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.88 Masters
Physics, Northwestern University And UC Davis hep th. Got interview one Month ago and guess now in the waiting list. For someone who find a better place please decline Northwestern or UC Davis. They are my only hope. Thanks so so much for saving my life and career.

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Oregon I just declined an offer from the University of Oregon, hoping this might help someone on the waitlist.

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Oregon I just declined an offer from the University of Oregon, hoping this might help someone on the waitlist.

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Oregon I just declined an offer from the University of Oregon, hoping this might help someone on the waitlist.

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 14 Feb Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Ucla

Added on March 22, 2023

Rejected on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.80 PhD
Physics, Dartmouth College Dartmouth guys below, I got interviewed like 3 weeks ago haven't heard anything yet. Emailed to inquire and he said he referred my case to the admissions committee and I should be hearing back in 1-2 weeks and this was about a week ago so I'm guessing they'll get back to people soon.

Added on March 22, 2023

Wait listed Spring 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Waterloo International student. Applied to profs connected to Perimeter Institute who were hiring. Quantum gravity, strong gravity and cosmology.

Added on March 22, 2023

Rejected on 22 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.68 PhD

Results 2201 - 2220 of 32309