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Graduate School Admission Results

About 2,264 results

Recent Graduate Admission Results January 2023

MS In Biostatistics And Data Science, Cornell University

Added on January 20, 2023

Accepted on 22 Dec Fall 2023 International GPA 3.95 Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on January 19, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Interview with PI not mentioned in CV

Added on January 15, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International GPA 3.98 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University POI, theory

Added on January 13, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Interview, contacted by the PI. Hold a master's from ETH in Robotics. Collaborated with Harvard lab for master's thesis. Strong LORs from 2 Harvard Professors and 1 ETH Professor.

Added on January 10, 2023

Interview Fall 2023 International PhD

December 2022

Biomedical And Biological Science, Cornell University

Added on December 23, 2022

Rejected on 21 Dec Fall 2022 International PhD
Biomedical And Biological Science (BBS), Cornell University Fall 2023; was a part of the inaugural Consider Cornell: Experience group to meet the director, faculty, and grad students prior to applying

Added on December 20, 2022

Interview Fall 2022 American GPA 3.81 PhD

April 2022

Computer Science, Cornell University M.Eng Program

Added on April 14, 2022

Accepted on 14 Apr Fall 2022 American GPA 3.86 Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University Recommended admission to M.Eng 1 year CS at Ithaca campus, formal offer to follow within 5 days. British CS undergraduate at Edinburgh, high First Class average. Lots of relevant extracurriculars, FAANG/HFT/startup SWE internships. Separately offered a Fulbright award that could be used to fund it. Other offer from UPenn MSE. Did no GRE, but it wasn't required for this program

Added on April 07, 2022

Accepted on 7 Apr Fall 2022 International GPA 4.00 Masters
Astronomy And Space Science, Cornell University sent short email notifying

Added on April 07, 2022

Rejected on 7 Apr Fall 2022 American GPA 3.45 PhD

March 2022

Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on March 24, 2022

Rejected on 24 Mar Fall 2022 International Masters
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on March 24, 2022

Rejected on 24 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 4.00 Masters
Information Science, Cornell University

Added on March 18, 2022

Wait listed Fall 2022 International GPA 3.90 Masters
Information Science, Cornell University Tier 1 Indian College. CS and NLP background. 1 NLP Publication. 3 years of relevant work ex. Strong LoRs from industry and academia.

Added on March 18, 2022

Accepted on 15 Mar Fall 2022 International GRE 168 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.10 Masters
Information Science MPS, Cornell University

Added on March 16, 2022

Accepted on 14 Mar Spring 2022 International Masters
Food Science, Cornell University Was invited to the February interview event, but my interview did not go well.

Added on March 16, 2022

Rejected on 15 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 3.30 Masters
Food Science, Cornell University

Added on March 16, 2022

Rejected on 16 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 3.75 Masters
Food Science, Cornell University

Added on March 16, 2022

Accepted on 15 Mar Fall 2022 American GPA 3.40 Masters
Information Science, Cornell University

Added on March 15, 2022

Accepted on 14 Mar Fall 2022 International GPA 3.95 Masters
Food Science, Cornell University Expected because I have not heard any positive feedback since interviewed on 2/11

Added on March 15, 2022

Rejected on 15 Mar Fall 2022 International PhD

Results 201 - 220 of 2264