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Recent Graduate Admission Results April 2023

Physics, University Of Washington

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.83 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University Please ignore the acceptance below. (a mistake...

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University hep-th

Added on April 04, 2023

Accepted on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Ohio State University "While your application is very strong, we unfortunately cannot offer you admission into The Ohio State University Physics Graduate Program at this time." International. GR-QC

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.68 PhD
Physics, Ohio State University

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, Rice University Applied for PhD at Physics and Astronomy Department. Research Interest: Exoplanets. Congratulations to whoever received acceptance at Rice!!

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.62 PhD
Physics, University of California-Santa Cruz hep-th

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of California-Santa Cruz

Added on April 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University I'm writing to say that we in the quantum and gravitational theory group at Brandeis were impressed with your PhD application, but due to our small size and very limited enrollment we will not be able to offer you a position this year. I hope you have good luck with your other applications and ongoing studies. Sincerely, Brian Swingle

Added on April 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of California Santa Cruz Ignore Waitlist: Will be declining acceptance this week. Good luck!

Added on April 03, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Rice University Applied AMO theory

Added on April 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of California-Santa Cruz 10/2022 Interview 02/2023 Do not reply email 04/2023 Reject; Maybe I need to begin a new round

Added on April 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Notre Dame :( - "We are sorry to report that we are unable to admit you at this time. This decision should not be viewed as an evaluation of your acceptability as a graduate student, but rather as an indication of the degree of competition in your department."

Added on April 03, 2023

Rejected on 3 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth UMass Dartmouth guy below, don't worry about assistantship, there are plenty of lab T/A positions, that is what everyone gets, no R/A. Just finished MS there. You will find that the dept is very slow at getting things done, you may not get the T/A offer until Aug. Keep contacting your PI.

Added on April 03, 2023

Accepted on 3 Apr Fall 2023 Masters
Physics, University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth Accepted, with no offered assistantships. No GRE, no pubs, 1 REU, 1 CEU. I've been in contact with a PI since F22. Haven't been accepted anywhere else.

Added on April 03, 2023

Accepted on 28 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.28 Masters
Medical Physics, East Carolina University (ECU) How come they send out acceptance emails on Sunday ???

Added on April 02, 2023

Accepted on 2 Apr Fall 2023 Masters
Physics, Florida State University (FSU) Anybody heard from them? and when rejection are usually sent ?

Added on April 01, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, General Hey people. I know the selection of grad schools is important, and that you'd like to make an informed decision, but please turn down the offers from places you aren't considering. A lot of us are still on waitlists, for perhaps the only offer we might get this season.

Added on April 01, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD

March 2023

Physics, University Of Washington Ignore waitlist. Has anyone received a rejection from UWash so far or heard anything back?

Added on March 31, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.90 PhD
Physics, Texas A&M University - College Station (TAMU) Please, if you have better options, let the school know as soon as possible; my life pretty much depends on getting admission this year.

Added on March 31, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.77 PhD

Results 2101 - 2120 of 32309