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Recent Graduate Admission Results April 2023

Physics, Carnegie Mellon University Kept me waiting huh

Added on April 06, 2023

Rejected on 6 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University of Kansas

Added on April 06, 2023

Accepted on 6 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University Please decline if you have better choice. This is my only hope.

Added on April 06, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Washington University In St. Louis (WashU/WUSTL) I would like to request once again that if you are planning to join another school then Please decline your standing offer from WashU. It might be the only school where I will have better hope to get offer from waitlist.

Added on April 06, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt/Tufts/Tennessee (HEP-ex) - Please decline if you're not planning to go there. PLIS

Added on April 06, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Virginia Tech I met with a professor in early February who indicated he wanted to work with me and I would likely get in. I was discouraged when I was wait listed in mid March. However it seems the wait list isn't strictly a delayed rejection; I'm in! I was notified by an email instructing me to check the portal. I have a first author paper in ApJ.

Added on April 05, 2023

Accepted on 5 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.62 PhD
Physics, University Of New Mexico May I know if anyone here recieved acceptance for this position and having research interests in Exoplanets and faculty preference is Dr. Diana Dragomir? Please let me know if you have any info regarding this.

Added on April 05, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Columbia University hep-ex. Congrats to those that got in! If you've chosen to go somewhere else I would really appreciate it if you denied admission soon :)

Added on April 05, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.94 PhD
Physics, UCLA IGNORE WAITLIST. I will be declining this offer as well as offers from U. Rochester, U Mich [NERS], and Columbia [Applied Physics]. Good luck to those on WAITLISTS

Added on April 05, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics And Astronomy, Rice University AMO-th, no publications.

Added on April 05, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 PhD
Physics, University Of Wash CMP, international

Added on April 05, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on April 05, 2023

Rejected on 5 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Washington hep-th

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Washington 1ad/6rej so sad apply for CMX

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Washington hep-th. intl, took forever

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.65 PhD
Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology If you have better offer and don't intend to attend this university then please reject the offer as soon as possible. Please let them know as soon as possible. This is my dream school.

Added on April 04, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 PhD
Physics, University Of Washington They say that the results would be ready by late March. Today, April 4th I received a rejection letter. As an international aplicant, it seems like a scam to me.

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 PhD
Applied Physics, Cornell University IGNORE WAITLIST. Has anyone not heard from the Cornell Applied Physics Program? Has anyone been in touch with them? They haven't responded to my emails.

Added on April 04, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, University Of Texas At Austin If you have better offer, please reject the offer. Please let them know as soon as possible.

Added on April 04, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 PhD
Physics, Brandeis University International. hep-th, MS GPA 3.86, double major with mechanical engineering, 1 publication, 1 thesis. Had financial support (scholarship) that pays for tuition and monthly stipend.

Added on April 04, 2023

Rejected on 4 Apr Fall 2023 GPA 3.43 PhD

Results 2081 - 2100 of 32309