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Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results November -0001

Computer Science, Cornell University Didn't make it off the waitlist. Don't know why I bothered with US universities.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University One first author of a full paper in one of the leading data mining conferences.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 148 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.91 PhD
Materials Science & Engineering, Cornell University Your application for admission to the Graduate School as a Ph.D. student has been given careful consideration by the Graduate Field of Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell. I regret that we are unable to offer you admission. While recognizing that we must deny many qualified applicants, the faculty endeavors to choose applicants they feel are the best match for our program. All decisions are final. You will not be receiving a hard copy letter; this email will serve as your only notification of your application results. We appreciate your interest in Cornell and wish you success in continuing your studies

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Political Science, Cornell University Nice rejection e-mail. Wish everyone that got admitted all the best.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov American PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American PhD
(Computer Science, Cornell University Hey, can anybody tell me what type of math question/ technical question they ask during the interview?

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview American GRE 157 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.60 Masters
(Computer Science - Security), Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 167 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.38 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Has Cornell given out all the admits for MS CS and M.eng CS?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University To the poster who got offer from Cornell MSE below: would you like to share more information about the admission? Did you have an interview? Has the department sent out all offer up to now?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other PhD
Material Science And Engineering, Cornell University To the poster who got offer from Cornell MSE below: would you like to share more information about the admission? Did you have an interview? Has the department sent out all offer up to now?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other Other
Computer Science Meng, Cornell University To the post below, Congrats on your interview. When did you submit your application? Thanks!

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International GRE 170 GRE V 164 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.50 Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International Masters
Political Science, Cornell University Eventually a PhD offer after 3 rejections (gwu, unc, uw)! Means a lot for a fresh undergraduates! Master offers: ucsd mpia; lse ms in ir(research)

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International GRE 165 GRE V 162 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.64 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University To the posters below, has anyone been accepted in the field of AI/CV? Could you please elaborate on your publications?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 170 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.81 PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University Was waitlisted then now.... rejected... what a relief... so grateful They said there have already accepted more students than they expected and not expecting to accept more students from waiting list anymore. I am hopeless

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov Spring 2019 International Masters
Political Science, Cornell University Hi y'all. Anybody in Cornell's wait list heard back from them yet? Did they make any contact with you during the past two weeks?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other PhD
Computer Science, Cornell University I am the guy who mailed "3 times in last 2 month" to clear the confusion (if there is any) i was talking about M.S (Thesis) program in CS (Ithaca). Still haven't any word. Also if anyone here has heard from the M.Thesis Program please share about it.Thanks

Added on November 30, -0001

Other Other Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, Cornell University Got MS offer instead of PhD......

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International GRE 153 GRE V 170 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.86 PhD
(Computer Science, Cornell University To the poster inquiring about Cornell (Ithaca) MS (not MEng), I had mailed them to know the status of my application, they said decisions are made on a rolling basis and all decisions will be sent my 7 April. But I feel if I haven't heard from them, it's a reject for me. All the best :)

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International Masters

Results 2001 - 2020 of 2264