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Graduate School Admission Results

About 27,135 results

March 2024

Mathematics, University Of Texas Had interview yesterday. I was pretty Nervous, but pretty chill interview. Didn't perform 100% well. We will see...

Added on March 01, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 International GRE 167 GRE V 153 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.93 PhD
Applied Mathematics, University Of Colorado Denver "Dear Uchechukwu, The graduate admissions committee recently met to discuss your application to our Ph.D. Program in Applied Mathematics, and I regret to inform you that we have elected not to accept you to our program at this time. You are missing too many of our requirements. I am sorry for the unfortunate news, and I wish you all the best going forward. Sincerely," I wonder what too many requirements I am missing when I have gotten 2 acceptance already. 2A/2R/0W/0I/5P

Added on March 01, 2024

Rejected on 1 Mar Fall 2024 International GPA 3.66 PhD
Machine Learning And Machine Intelligence, University Of Cambridge informal offer 13.02, formal conditional offer 1.03, waiting to hear about funding. double major with CS+Math, 1 very good 1 good references, 3internships during undergrad, variety of research experience on very different topics (cv, nlp, math)

Added on March 01, 2024

Accepted on 13 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.93 Masters
Mathematics, SUNY Buffalo

Added on March 01, 2024

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.10 PhD

February 2024

Pure Math, Stony Brook

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 29 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 29 Feb Fall 2024 American PhD
Physical Oceanography, MIT-WHOI Mathematics and physics double major. No prospective advisors responded to my emails, so an expected outcome, even if it is disappointing. No experience with oceanography but research experiences in pure and applied mathematics, experimental physics, and REU in computer science.

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 29 Feb Fall 2024 American GPA 3.91 PhD
Applied Mathematics, Arizona State University GradGPA: 4.0, I Submitted Paper

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 27 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.16 PhD
Mathematics, University Of California, San Diego

Added on February 29, 2024

Accepted on 29 Feb Fall 2024 American GPA 3.90 PhD
ICME, Stanford University GPA is MS (Applied Math). No GRE.

Added on February 29, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Mathematics, Michigan State University

Added on February 29, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 165 GRE AW 4.50 PhD
Mathematics, University Of Notre Dame

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 24 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 165 GRE AW 4.50 PhD
Mathematics, University Of Minnesota

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 20 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 165 GRE AW 4.50 PhD
Mathematics, University Of Southern California

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 15 Feb Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 165 GRE AW 4.50 PhD
Mathematics, University Of Toronto Canadian citizen

Added on February 29, 2024

Accepted on 29 Feb Fall 2024 Other GPA 4.00 Masters
Applied Mathematics, University Of Waterloo

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 4.00 Masters
Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on February 29, 2024

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Mathematics, University Of Connecticut

Added on February 28, 2024

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2024 International PhD
Engineering Sciences And Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University

Added on February 28, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International GPA 3.90 PhD
Computational Science, Florida State University (FSU) (1/230) Accepted out of 230 applicants as stated in email. I applied to the MS program and got into the PhD program instead because MS is self fund, no GRE. I have only a bachelors degree with shitty GPA, but my maths are all excellent, no GRE, no official publications. But I have one publication in review, one submitted and about three in preparation. None of them is in the field I applied to. Each of these projects are in different fields, from humanities to biology. I have been in touch with PI for a long time, interviewed in December and was asked to apply. I was accepted because I had a lot of practical experiences in the research field of the PI. I have accepted this offer and I am not waiting for the other programs. (2a,1r,7P )

Added on February 28, 2024

Accepted on 28 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.44 PhD

Results 341 - 360 of 27135