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Graduate School Admission Results

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March 2021

Economics, UC San Diego For those still waiting for UCSD response: we have just been asked to complete the form on our other offers and whether we are planning to accept/decline. "Your responses help us to be better aware of your admissions considerations, as we plan for our next phase of admissions offers."

Added on March 12, 2021

Accepted on 12 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Art History, UC San Diego (UCSD) If you're not interested in attending, please let them know!

Added on March 12, 2021

Wait listed Spring 2021 Other PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) [Not WL] Still haven't heard back from this program. Is it a WL? Please decline if you have an offer from UCSD but don't plan to attend.

Added on March 12, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 International PhD
Structural Engineering, UC San Diego (UCSD) Accepted via email and portal! Quick turnaround.

Added on March 12, 2021

Accepted on 12 Mar Fall 2021 GPA 3.54 Masters
Neuroscience, UC San Diego (UCSD) Checked my application and saw a status update posted today.

Added on March 11, 2021

Rejected on 11 Mar Fall 2021 American PhD
Computer Science, University Of Oxford Wait a long time to get offer from Cyber Physics Team. No funding information !!! 2 days to accept !!!! I will not accept this offer (I prefer like to call it AD), its really terrible offer, I would like to go to Berkeley or UCSD, US provides full funding and living fees. If a team without any funding, how can you do a good research. If anyone get offer without funding, just go to US. UK is really poor and not a good place to have a PhD.

Added on March 11, 2021

Accepted on 11 Mar Fall 2021 PhD
Physics, Brown UCSD Columbia The LEAST these guys can do, after charging a bunch of fees, is to let the applicants know SOMETHING 2-3 months post the deadline. If we are rejected, fine, lmk! Spend $1000 on US applications and wait like a dummy forever

Added on March 11, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 Other PhD
Structural Engineering, UC San Diego (UCSD)

Added on March 11, 2021

Accepted on 29 Jan Fall 2021 International Masters
Biostatistics, UC San Diego (UCSD)

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 161 GRE V 161 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.50 PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) [Not WL] TPB: In exactly the same boat. I'm hoping people who've been accepted at UCSD and have dominating offers will decline soon. Have you emailed the program tos ee what the situation is?

Added on March 10, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) (Not WL) TPB: I also haven't heard from UCSD at all. Going into the process, I expected this to be a pretty well-targeted program for me, but obviously that's all gone totally out the window this cycle. At this point, this would be the best school I got into if I did, so not sure what to make of the radio silence.

Added on March 10, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 American PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) Email to check the portal.

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Spring 2021 International PhD
Clinical Psychology, San Diego State University (SDSU)/University Of California San Diego (UCSD) Received kindly worded email from POI after interview.

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 28 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD)

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 169 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.77 PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) [Not WL] I still haven't heard from UCSD. Anybody else in the same boat?

Added on March 10, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 Other PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) Email to check the portal.

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 International PhD
Bioengineering, UC San Diego (UCSD) TTPB: I think I was talking about people who had been interviewed and are expecting offers. Anyways, I hope for the best.

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 International PhD
Economics, University Of California, San Diego (UCSD) Email to check the website just after midnight (PST). GPA is grad, didn't submit GRE scores. 2.5 years of undergrad/grad RA work, extremely strong references, and PhD-level theory coursework. Expected at this point, but I'm very lucky to have two excellent offers from other programs that would have strictly dominated UCSD anyway. Glad this ridiculous cycle is almost over, though. 2a/2w/15r/6ir

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 International GPA 3.77 PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD) sad

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 168 GRE V 161 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
Economics, UC San Diego (UCSD)

Added on March 10, 2021

Rejected on 10 Mar Fall 2021 International PhD

Results 381 - 400 of 8438