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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2023

Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Field : CV, first author publications at 3 top-tier venues, 2+ years of research experience, Internship at FAANG

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 International GPA 3.78 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University From LTI program via email; big sad

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University LTI, no interview

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 American PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University MLT I regret to inform you that we are unable to admit you into the M.S. in Language Technologies program in the Language Technologies Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. We received over 750 graduate applications this year in Language Technologies, a large percentage of which are highly qualified. However, our graduate program can support only a limited number of new students. This makes our decision very difficult, as we have to turn down many promising applicants. Unfortunately, we could not admit all applicants despite very good academic records and supporting letters. We hope you have been accepted by another graduate program of your choice, and wish you the best in your career.

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 International Masters
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University MLT

Added on February 13, 2023

Rejected on 13 Feb Fall 2023 International Masters
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Ignore the WL. Anyone hear anything back from the societal computing programme?

Added on February 12, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 American PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Hooray! Awesome sauce!

Added on February 10, 2023

Rejected on 10 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.82 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University ML Department

Added on February 10, 2023

Rejected on 9 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Sub-domain ML. I get it, its tough, but we'll see for other programs!

Added on February 10, 2023

Rejected on 10 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on February 09, 2023

Rejected on 9 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University POI called to give a surprise. Department head emailed later! Sooooooooooo excited!

Added on February 08, 2023

Accepted on 8 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on February 08, 2023

Accepted on 8 Feb Fall 2023 American GRE 170 GRE V 162 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 4.00 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Added on February 08, 2023

Accepted on 8 Feb Fall 2023 American GPA 3.90 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Official letter sent by head of department

Added on February 08, 2023

Accepted on 8 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University Besides, I have Masters in MSE with 3.75 GPA.

Added on February 05, 2023

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 169 GRE V 156 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.77 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Got an unofficial mail from POI mentioned on SOP confirming acceptance yesterday. Was interviewed in January.

Added on February 04, 2023

Accepted on 3 Feb Fall 2023 International PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University LTI PhD

Added on February 02, 2023

Accepted on 2 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 169 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.99 PhD
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University applied in november. no research experience. really surprised and glad i don't have to apply to the other unis on my list. i've had people say my SOP was really good and targeted for CMU, so maybe that's it.

Added on February 01, 2023

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 165 GRE V 157 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.20 Masters
LTI, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Unofficial acceptance from the potential PIs

Added on February 01, 2023

Accepted on 1 Feb Fall 2023 International GRE 169 GRE V 155 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.88 PhD

Results 161 - 180 of 3276