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Graduate School Admission Results

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March 2021

SES, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) A quite vapid 20min interview 2 weeks ago. Generic rejection today. Doesn't feel good. Regardless, the deeper I look into the SES program the more uninteresting it appears to be. Good look for the other candidates.

Added on March 15, 2021

Rejected on 15 Mar Fall 2021 International PhD
Technology And Public Policy Program, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Undergraduate graduating in spring 2021 with double major in engineering and public policy areas. Relevant laboratory research and policy internships (3).

Added on March 15, 2021

Accepted on 14 Mar Fall 2021 American GPA 3.96 Masters
Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (EECS), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) i am the waitlisted person. yes, it was an official email, and no, I did not reach out to inquire first.

Added on March 14, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 PhD
Technology & Policy Program (TPP), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Low GPA from a top school, three years unrelated research, two years Peace Corps. Proposed a pretty dramatic shift from my undergrad topics to focus on food security, trying again next year. Congrats to everyone who made it!

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 169 GRE V 170 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.27 Masters
TPP, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2021 American GPA 3.60 Masters
Technology And Policy Program (TPP), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) CS undergrad at top LAC

Added on March 14, 2021

Accepted on 14 Mar Fall 2021 International GPA 3.76 Masters
Technology And Policy Program (TPP), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Spring 2021 International Masters
Technology And Policy Program (TPP), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2021 GPA 3.85 Masters
EECS, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Still haven't heard from them. Assuming that's a rejection?

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2021 International GPA 4.00 PhD
Technology And Policy Program (TPP), Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Seems like their rejection email is the same as last year saying "competition for admission was particularly keen this year." Pretty disappointed to be rejected from MIT 3 times this application cycle :') but hopefully everything will work out for me and anyone else in the same boat!

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 14 Mar Fall 2021 American Masters
Transportation Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 8 Mar Fall 2021 International GRE 169 GRE V 145 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.60 Masters
Materials Science And Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) MS only application

Added on March 14, 2021

Rejected on 28 Jan Fall 2021 International GRE 164 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 Masters
Biology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 14, 2021

Accepted on 12 Mar Fall 2021 GPA 3.82 PhD
Electrical And Computer Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) I have not received a email regrading status as well. Should we assume we are rejected?

Added on March 13, 2021

Interview Fall 2021 Other PhD
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) ttpb did you get an official waitlist email?

Added on March 13, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 International PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) TTPB: when is your interview date? I didn't hear anything after the interview, no waitlist no rejection

Added on March 12, 2021

Interview Fall 2021 American PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 12, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 American PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 12, 2021

Accepted on 12 Mar Fall 2021 American GRE 165 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 4.00 PhD
Biology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) asked to fill out google form to be on waitlist

Added on March 12, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 American GPA 3.88 PhD
MSRED, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

Added on March 12, 2021

Accepted on 6 Mar Fall 2021 Masters

Results 401 - 420 of 7640