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Graduate School Admission Results

About 6,918 results

March 2023

English, Penn State University Finally a response... it's insane that schools are taking this long to send a simple rejection. Still waiting on two more, had no idea the process would take this long! (2a/2w/7r/2p)

Added on March 24, 2023

Rejected on 24 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
Applied Statistics, University Of California, Los Angeles Undergraduate math degree. Fellowship for tuition and fees.

Added on March 23, 2023

Accepted on 23 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 163 GRE V 168 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.34 Masters
Creative Writing Fiction, New York University that's a wrap 2a/2w/6r

Added on March 23, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 MFA
Mathematics, Virginia Tech Ignore waitlist. Does anyone know when the Math Dept is going to release results?

Added on March 22, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 Masters
Mathematics, Virginia Tech Ignore waitlist. Does anyone know when the Math Dept is going to release results?

Added on March 22, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GPA 3.50 Masters
Philosophy, University Of Notre Dame It's a miracle. I was officially rejected two weeks ago, but apparently someone made a mistake and put me on the wrong list. This is my first choice by a staggering margin. If you are planning to decline (especially if your AOS is philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, or metaethics), please do so soon. 2a/6w/13r/0p

Added on March 22, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GRE 170 GRE V 170 GPA 4.00 PhD
Mathematics, University Of Pittsburgh No GRE. 2.8 GPA in math courses but lots of research experience. 3.41 overall GPA.

Added on March 22, 2023

Accepted on 21 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.41 Masters
Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University US student with undergraduate in mechanical engineering at Syracuse University. No publications but about 2 years of research experience. 2a/3r/4p

Added on March 21, 2023

Rejected on 21 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.79 PhD
Mathematics, McGill University Math / Stat

Added on March 21, 2023

Rejected on 21 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.34 Masters
Political Science, University Of South Florida 2a/2w/8r/1p; accidentally posted as "University of Sou"

Added on March 20, 2023

Accepted on 20 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.90 PhD
Political Science, University Of Sou 2a/2w/8r/1p

Added on March 20, 2023

Accepted on 16 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.90 PhD
Data Science, EPFL 3 strong LoRs, strong motivation letter, IELTS 7.5 (R: 9.0, L: 7.0, W:7.0, S:6.5), several extracurricular experiences in Data Science, and won several local competitions I was scared of not having the entry requirements (I don't have discrete math, logic set & theory, algorithms and data structures and calculus in several variables)

Added on March 20, 2023

Accepted on 16 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 4.00 Masters
Computer Science, Stanford University This was a long shot for me, I wasn't expecting much but I got into CMU MSCS anyways so I'm okay with this. Profile: math & CS undergrad at no name school barely top 600 school, 2 FAANG swe internships, 1 T1 research internship, 4yrs TA. Congrats to admits :)

Added on March 17, 2023

Rejected on 17 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 164 GRE V 155 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.92 Masters
Creative Writing Fiction, Emerson College Email to check portal. 2a/3r/5p

Added on March 17, 2023

Accepted on 17 Mar Fall 2023 MFA
Creative Writing Fiction, University Of Maryland 2a/3w/13r/2p

Added on March 17, 2023

Wait listed Fall 2023 GRE 161 GRE V 169 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.70 MFA
Creative Writing Fiction, Brown University 2a/2w/13r/3p knew this was coming, lol

Added on March 17, 2023

Rejected on 17 Mar Fall 2023 GRE 161 GRE V 169 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.70 MFA
Applied Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University 2a/10r/5 outstanding. Was I unqualified for this program? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes

Added on March 17, 2023

Rejected on 17 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.75 PhD
History, University Of Nebraska-Lincoln Interview in Feb. 2a/5r/0p

Added on March 16, 2023

Accepted on 13 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
History, New York University 2a/5r/0p

Added on March 16, 2023

Rejected on 16 Mar Fall 2023 PhD
Statistics, Colorado State University - Fort Collins I have fairly strong background in math. Took measure theory and proof based linear algebra. I emailed the department and they said that “ Applicants that have been recommended for admission have been contacted.” So basically a rejection. If you have not heard back from them, probably just wait till they send you a rejection letter in the next few weeks.

Added on March 16, 2023

Rejected on 16 Mar Fall 2023 GPA 3.94 Masters

Results 421 - 440 of 6918