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Graduate School Admission Results

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April 2024

Computer Science, University Of Ottawa Currently a student of MDTI at uOttawa. Applied for CS to transfer program and got rejected.

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 Other Masters
Computer Science, Duke University

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International GRE 170 GRE V 162 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.67 Masters
Computer Science, University Of Wisconsin-Madison

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.57 Masters
Computer Science, University Of North Dakota I entered into the early acceptance window. I am pleased to be in!

Added on April 10, 2024

Accepted on 11 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.10 Masters
Computer Science, University Of Utah Please DECLINE your offer, if you do not want to pursue your PhD at the University of Utah. I am still on the waitlist and highly interested in this program. This is my only chance!

Added on April 10, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Computer Science, University Of Utah Please DECLINE your offer, if you do not want to pursue your PhD at the University of Utah. I am still on the waitlist and highly interested in this program. This is my only chance!

Added on April 10, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Computer Science, University Of California, Los Angeles Was expecting this after no communication from them since applying in Dec.

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 American GRE 166 GRE V 159 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.93 PhD
Computer Science, University Of California, Los Angeles No interviews. Was expected. They just waited 4 months to give rejection.

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.97 PhD
Computer Science, University Of California, Los Angeles Applied blindly

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.30 PhD
Computer Science, University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Applied to the Professional MCS Program. 2 Internships, 1.5 years of work ex. as an SWE and 3x research papers. Received an email to stating I am being recommended for admission to the Department of Computer Science, Professional Master of Computer Science (MCS) program. No funding.

Added on April 10, 2024

Accepted on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 152 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, University Of Ottawa Applied to the MCS (Coursework + Project) Program. 2 Internships, 1.5 years of work ex. as an SWE and 3x research papers. Received an email to check portal. No funding.

Added on April 10, 2024

Accepted on 7 Apr Fall 2024 International GRE 168 GRE V 152 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, University Of California, Los Angeles

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International PhD
Computer Science, University Of California, Los Angeles

Added on April 10, 2024

Rejected on 10 Apr Fall 2024 International PhD
Computer Science, University Of California, San Diego I was hoping that good news would come from all the waiting. However, I could not have been more wrong, and it blows; UCSD is my dream school. Moreover, I am a recently separated US Navy veteran who worked in cryptology for close to 4 years. I have no published papers and did not go to a top university; however, I had three strong letters of recommendation, a strong SOP, a solid GPA, immense drive, dedication, and proven work experience, which I hoped would lead to acceptance. But, in the end, it wasn't enough. (Although I am very happy for all those who were accepted and hope all the hard work pays off!) P.S. While looking over the UCSD website and after contacting them about the university's demographics out of pure curiosity, I am unsure if they actually consider and or accept veterans. Additionally, when I asked how many actual veterans (those who served, not family members) attend, they said they do not have the information to give. So, if you're a veteran and find yourself curious about the inclusivity of this university, keep this in mind: you might not be as important of a consideration as others, and apparently, you have to be okay with it.

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 American GPA 3.90 Masters
Computer Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 1 transaction paper and 2 conference papers (all first author)

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 International PhD
Computer Science, Simon Fraser University

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 International Masters
Computer Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Interviewed in mid-january

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 American GRE 170 GRE V 169 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.72 PhD
Computer Science, University Of Waterloo MMATH Computer Science, full funding. No email, checked the portal and saw the offer letter.

Added on April 09, 2024

Accepted on 9 Apr Fall 2024 International GPA 3.97 Masters
Computer Science And Engineering, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor) One interview with professor of interest.

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD
Computer Science, University Of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Added on April 09, 2024

Rejected on 9 Apr Fall 2024 American PhD

Results 201 - 220 of 62974