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March 2024

Philosophy, Princeton University email to check portal/ Honestly not sure what more I could have done, fantastic transcripts, top references, published 11 monographs books, held the Wykeham chair of logic for 23 years and have even been a visiting professor at Princeton. I'VE DONE THESE THINGS!!! I can only assume I just didn't take enough courses in disciplines other than philosophy or maybe I just don't speak enough languages. Disappointed, MUST DO BETTER.

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, University Of Connecticut IGNORE STATUS. Has anyone haven't heard from UConn yet? There are a few acceptances and waitlists on gradcafe but no rejections. Could this mean if I haven't heard from them I'm probably rejected/hidden waitlisted?

Added on March 04, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University Email to check portal.

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, University Of Toronto solicited DGS. AOI is metaphysics. Would be more than grateful if you decline your offer asap if you are intending not going!

Added on March 04, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, University Of California, Davis (IGNORE STATUS) I noticed they came out with rejections already in addition to supposed acceptances in mid Feb. I haven't heard anything from them yet. I'm not quite sure what to make of my position. Is anyone in the same position?

Added on March 04, 2024

Interview Fall 2024 American PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.97 PhD
Philosophy, University Of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) nice email from prof goodman. wasn't a great fit, so not terribly disappointed. 1a/1w/10r/7p

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.71 PhD
Philosophy, Texas Tech University IGNORE STATUS. Has anyone heard back from TTU yet? There haven't been any acceptances/waitlists except for the one posted a few days back?

Added on March 04, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International Masters
Philosophy, University Of Rochester Super excited

Added on March 04, 2024

Accepted on 23 Feb Fall 2024 International GPA 3.90 PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University Princeton shminceton anyway

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University $75 lottery ticket. Didn't even bother logging in.

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 4.00 PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.90 PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University emailed to check portal. 0a/5r/4p

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2025 American GPA 3.80 PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University Email to check portal. 1a/0w/7r/4p

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.81 PhD
Philosophy, Princeton University

Added on March 04, 2024

Rejected on 4 Mar Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, Fordham University

Added on March 04, 2024

Wait listed Fall 2024 International PhD
Philosophy, Villanova University

Added on March 04, 2024

Accepted on 4 Mar Fall 2024 American GPA 3.90 PhD

Results 361 - 380 of 24137