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About 1,903 results

March 2010

Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) Are the two posters in Robotics?

Added on March 09, 2010

Other International Masters
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on March 09, 2010

Accepted on 9 Mar American GRE 790 GRE V 560 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.93 Masters
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) Hi thanks for replying. Yes, but I am in Networking Group.

Added on March 04, 2010

Wait listed American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) To those accepted by GaTech, but won't go there, could you decline it as soon as you can?

Added on March 04, 2010

Wait listed American PhD
Material Science And Engineering, Georgia Institute Of Technology $24000/y, have to pay $800+/term tuition fee, how about insurance(did not mention) dream research group!

Added on March 03, 2010

Accepted on 2 Mar International PhD

February 2010

Computer Science - Human Centered Computing, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) email from program

Added on February 25, 2010

Accepted on 25 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on February 25, 2010

Accepted on 25 Feb International GRE 800 GRE V 580 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.30 PhD
Materials Science And Engineering (MSE), Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) happy birthday to me :)

Added on February 25, 2010

Accepted on 25 Feb American PhD
Computer Science (Robotics), Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) To the question below, I got the offer last Friday. First admission!

Added on February 22, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) RE: "To those admitted below and didn't specify, did you apply to the ACO program or to the regular CS program? Congrats in either case," I applied to CS with AI and CogSci specializations and was accepted by the Interactive Computing department (a branch of CS at GT). Good luck on your own application! :)

Added on February 22, 2010

Accepted on 22 Feb Other PhD
Computer Science And Engineering (CSE), Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on February 22, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb International PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on February 20, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) aco program. finally, the first admission!

Added on February 20, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb International PhD
Comptuer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on February 19, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech)

Added on February 19, 2010

Accepted on 15 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) TA/RAship + stipend (but it sounds like they don't cover insurance?). Also, no mention of a visit day. Is there one?

Added on February 19, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) full funding

Added on February 19, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb American PhD
Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) full financial support

Added on February 19, 2010

Accepted on 19 Feb International PhD
Materials Science And Engineering(MSE), Georgia Institute Of Technology(GaTech) I have declined on Jan. 26th.

Added on February 08, 2010

Accepted on 17 Dec International PhD

May 2009

Computer Science, Georgia Institute Of Technology (GaTech) Graduated BSCS at GT weekend beforehand, final grades released day before receiving MSCS acceptance, BSCS degree awarded day after notification received. Received additional notification letter by mail to "Local Address" instead of "Permanent Addess"/address on application on Sunday 10 May 2009.

Added on May 13, 2009

Accepted on 6 May American Masters

Results 1721 - 1740 of 1903