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Graduate School Admission Results

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School Program Added On Decision
Miami University (OH)
Clinical Psychology PhD
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2024

Waitlisted via email from PI, seems like initial offers went out earlier this week. Keeping my fingers crossed that the person with the first offer gets accepted somewhere that's a better fit for them as I really like this school.

University Of Utah
Neuroscience PhD
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
Tufts University
Data Science Masters
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.77
Harvard University
PhD Program In History And Middle Eastern Studies PhD
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2024

I am waitlisted. Are there any accepted people here? Did you get into any other program and think about declining the offer? It's so important for me.

Purdue Fort Wayne
Computer Science Masters
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.90

How is PFW MSCS? Could anyone give me suggestion on it please?

University Of Washington
Gender, Women And Sexuality Studies PhD
February 22, 2024
Rejected on 22 Feb
Total comments
Rejected on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
University Of Virginia
English PhD
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2024

Through portal. 3rd waitlist so far.

San Francisco State University
Industrial Organizational Psychology Masters
February 22, 2024
Interview on 22 Feb
Total comments
Interview on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.90

Recorded structured interview conducted by current grad student

Northern Arizona University
Clinical Psychology PsyD
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.80
University Of Texas At Austin
Architecture Masters
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.49
University Of Virginia
Speech Language Pathology Masters
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 3.65

Research experience, Camp counselor, Orientation leader, Preschool volunteer, and Caregiver.

Harvard University
Classics PhD
February 22, 2024
Rejected on 22 Feb
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Rejected on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
Indiana University-Bloomington
Speech Language Pathology Masters
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2025
GPA 3.93

Was really hoping to get accepted, maybe I'll get off the waitlist. Congrats to all that got in! Cumulative GPA: 3.94 Major GPA: 4.0

University Of Virginia
English PhD
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 4.00

GPA is grad. No email, but I checked the portal when I saw an acceptance pop up here. 2a/2w/3r/4p

Claremont Graduate University
English PhD
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 4.00
University Of Washington
Oceanography PhD
February 22, 2024
Rejected on 22 Feb
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Rejected on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
Cornell University
Physics PhD
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
GPA 4.00

Gr/Cosmology, mentioned want to do Numerical Relativity in sop

Drexel University
Communication Culture And Media PhD
February 22, 2024
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Total comments
Wait listed on 22 Feb
Fall 2024

This is my only choice this year. if any of you plan not to go to Drexel, please decline :'(, thanks a lot(0a 1w 5r 2p)

Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Art History PhD
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
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Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024
University of Florida
Applied Physiology & Kinesiology (human Performance) Masters
February 22, 2024
Accepted on 22 Feb
Total comments
Accepted on 22 Feb
Fall 2024