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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results February 2013

Political Science (Theory), UC Irvine Received a very thoughtful and enthusiastic email from POI. Official funding info mid-Feb.

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American GPA 3.86 PhD
Political Science, University Of California Irvine (UCI) unbelievably relieved...

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb International GRE 159 GRE V 160 GRE AW 5.00 PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2013

Wait listed American PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Same form letter as everyone else seems to have gotten

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb American PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor something about not having a solid faculty match

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb GRE 162 GRE V 267 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.94 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley I'm interested in American and Methods. Received extremely nice call from POI.

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American GRE 170 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.62 PhD
Political Science IR, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor email from Mika LaVaque-Manty, said lots of applicants, passed on many because of faculty fit, same nonsense. So glad I have one acceptance down.

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb American GRE 170 GRE V 159 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.62 PhD
Political Science (Theory), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb American GPA 3.86 PhD
Political Science (American Politics), Notre Dame University Got an email from the GPD. Fully funded and nominated for some other fellowships. Had been in contact with the GPD before admission, so it might be a little too early notification.

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb International GRE 165 GRE V 163 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.83 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley Phone call from POI. So excited!

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley nope nope nope, sorry, the below one was me hitting a wrong button. Accepted via phone from POI. I've reported my own mistaken rejection report below...

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Political Science, University Of California - Berkeley the one time i don't have my phone on me! calling POI back now.

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb GRE 158 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.00 PhD
Political Science, UC Davis

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb American GRE 152 GRE V 163 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.97 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley Missed a phone call. Voicemail said to call back a number. It was POI - accepted! Eek!

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley Best of luck to all!

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb American GRE 164 GRE V 169 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.86 PhD
Political Science, Emory University Second offer after NYU, now I am the one choosing, it is a nice feeling...:)

Added on February 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Feb International GRE 170 GRE V 154 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.69 PhD
Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Added on February 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Feb Other PhD

Results 7341 - 7360 of 16509