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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2013

Political Science, Georgetown Current MA/PhD student trying to matriculate into a new program. 3.9 grad gpa. Admitted to Georgetown govt PhD, but waitlisted for funding :( Applicant for the joint MA in Arab Studies and PhD in govt. Haven't heard about the MA admission yet. First acceptance after 7 rejections.

Added on March 05, 2013

Accepted on 5 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Georgetown

Added on March 04, 2013

Accepted on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley My top school, but a very nice e-mail. I'm glad they thought I would have been a good fit, but I understand that big public schools can't always place every good fit. Best of luck to the admits!

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American GRE 159 GRE V 167 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.95 PhD
Political Science (Theory), University Of California - Berkeley Same as below. Very considerate email, great way to be rejected.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American GRE 161 GRE V 167 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.95 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley Very kind and apologetic email. Glad they sent it, but being my top choice, it's still devastating. "Your application was among those of the very best candidates in our applicant pool this year. Unfortunately, due to strict limits on enrollment, we were not able to admit several candidates who were among our top choices."

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar GRE 159 GRE V 168 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.92 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley very nice email. not sure if i'm not to feel good though. Still a rejection after all. I'm assuming that this rejection is worded differently from the earlier batch.... "Your application was among those of the very best candidates in our applicant pool this year. Unfortunately, due to strict limits on enrollment, we were not able to admit several candidates who were among our top choices. "

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar International GRE 159 GRE V 161 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.86 PhD
Political Science, UC Berkeley Really friendly/apologetic email.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American GRE 700 GRE V 780 GRE AW 5.00 GPA 3.71 PhD
Political Science, Duke University Email to check website... These are starting to add up.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American Masters
Political Science, George Washington Same as all prior posters- inconsiderate method of notification.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American Masters
Political Science, George Washington University (GWU) No email. just checked the website after a lot of people did the same thing. Pretty rude.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar International GRE 159 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.66 PhD
Political Science (Theory), Northwestern University Email to check website.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American GRE 161 GRE V 167 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.95 PhD
Political Science (Government), Harvard University Response to email inquiry-- the Grad School is sending out the notifications, not the dept. rnrn500 applicants, 21 spots.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Harvard Response to email inquiry.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Harvard

Added on March 04, 2013

Accepted on 4 Mar PhD
Political Science (Theory), University Of Victoria $8.5k in funding (TAship, income supplement, fellowship)

Added on March 04, 2013

Accepted on 4 Mar International Masters
Political Science, Carleton University Email from graduate supervisor - official offer of admission to come within next two weeks. 3.88 GPA last 2 years.

Added on March 04, 2013

Accepted on 4 Mar International GPA 3.60 Masters
Political Science, George Washington University Congrats to those with better news!

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Harvard Stunned.

Added on March 04, 2013

Accepted on 4 Mar American GRE 163 GRE V 167 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.99 PhD
Political Science, George Washington University Yay closure! :P

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, George Washington University I have to say looking at all the comments below, I was all 'oh, people just pissy about rejection' but it really is the worst reject email I've ever seen. 4 sentences, and one is "I know this will come as unwelcome news." Wow. Whatever, in at a better school.

Added on March 04, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD

Results 6461 - 6480 of 16509