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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2013

Political Science (Government), Harvard Only acceptance of this cycle! Don't lose hope at any time!

Added on March 07, 2013

Accepted on 7 Mar International PhD
Political Science, Baylor

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 6 Mar American PhD
Political Science (Government), Harvard Emailed Thom Wall

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 6 Mar International GRE 162 GRE V 161 GRE AW 5.00 PhD
Political Science, Maryland I called a little while ago. They insisted only a few acceptances have been given out an there are more to come. People relax. There's still a chance... Or they got my hopes up

Added on March 06, 2013

Other American PhD
Political Science, Harvard Letter dated 28 February, Oxbridge Grad

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science, George Washington University Apparently GW was erroneously ranked this year in the top 100, and received an unusually high number of applicants.

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Johns Hopkins University

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar International PhD
Political Science, University of Florida Waitlisted for funding

Added on March 06, 2013

Accepted on 6 Mar American PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Rejected from the PhD program, "accepted" into CIR with zero funding.

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center Too many applicants...-.-

Added on March 06, 2013

Rejected on 6 Mar International Masters
Political Science, Georgetown Spoke to the admissions director about funding... seems there is a ranked order for those waitlisted for funding, but he says the order often changes as faculty begin to speak to admitted students...

Added on March 05, 2013

Other American PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Cycle is officially finally done! I'm glad I didn't get into Chicago, even though it was originally my top choice, because they are just way too socially awkward.

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Rejected from PhD, admitted to CIR with partial funding.

Added on March 05, 2013

Other American PhD
Political Science, CUNY 125$ for nothing

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar International PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Got an email just now.

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Political Science, University Of Minnesota Figured it was a good fit/safety -- lowest ranked program I applied to and I'm a MPLS resident. Happy to have other offers, but sad to be rejected.

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar American PhD
Political Science, CUNY

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American PhD
Political Science, GWU same as everyone. shame on GWU

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 4 Mar International PhD
Political Science, CUNY Graduate Center Hard to believe, but oh well. Got offers with funding elsewhere.

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American GRE 152 GRE V 166 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 4.00 PhD
Political Science (PEG), Harvard I'm in at the other four of the top 5 American programs, so I'm not too hurt.

Added on March 05, 2013

Rejected on 5 Mar American GRE 159 GRE V 167 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.94 PhD

Results 6421 - 6440 of 16509