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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

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Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2013

Political Science, Brandeis University Nicest rejection letter I've gotten so far, but still a rejection.

Added on March 09, 2013

Rejected on 9 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Binghamton University

Added on March 09, 2013

Rejected on 9 Mar International GRE 157 GRE V 154 Masters
Political Science, SUNY Binghamton

Added on March 09, 2013

Accepted on 9 Mar GRE 145 GRE V 153 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.51 Masters
Political Science, University Of Maryland College Park (UMD) Excited and very hopeful. My top choice.

Added on March 08, 2013

Wait listed International GRE 159 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.66 PhD
Political Science, Brandeis Nice letter, not a fit

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar International GRE 159 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.66 PhD
Political Science, Brandeis University

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar International PhD
Political Science, University Of Patna Dream school; very disappointed

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar International PhD
Political Science, Brandeis Nice Email. Pity, but it wasn't really a good fit.

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar PhD
Political Science, Brandeis

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar American GRE 151 GRE V 164 GRE AW 5.50 GPA 3.63 PhD
Political Science, Brandeis Rejected via email notification.

Added on March 08, 2013

Rejected on 8 Mar American PhD
Political Science (IR), George Mason University After sending a 'feeler' e-mail, received word that I'd been accepted into the masters program. I have an "excellent" shot of being admitted to the PhD next year, so will likely attend unless better option arises.

Added on March 08, 2013

Other American GRE 160 GRE V 156 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.62 PhD
Political Science, Temple Funding info to come

Added on March 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Temple First acceptance! No word on funding yet, very excited to at least be in somewhere!

Added on March 08, 2013

Accepted on 8 Mar American PhD
Political Science, U Of Chicago Just like the others, rejected for the PhD, but accepted at MAPSS, funded for half tuition. So far, this is THE best result I've had, u can imagine the hell I've been going thru, so I think I'll take the offer. Yay!

Added on March 07, 2013

Other International PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Full tuition for MAPSS

Added on March 07, 2013

Rejected on 7 Mar American GRE 160 GRE V 169 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.52 PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Rejected from PhD, accepted to masters with half tuition

Added on March 07, 2013

Other American PhD
Political Science, University Of Maryland - College Park Emailed to check website, unsurprising at this point

Added on March 07, 2013

Rejected on 7 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Claremont Graduate University Info on funding later

Added on March 07, 2013

Accepted on 7 Mar International GRE 159 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.66 PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Rejected from Ph.D. program. Admitted with half tuition to MAPSS.

Added on March 07, 2013

Other GPA 3.76 PhD
Political Science, University of Chicago Rejected from PhD, accepted into MAPSS with half tuition.

Added on March 07, 2013

Other American PhD

Results 6381 - 6400 of 16509