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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

About 16,509 results

Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2014

Political Science, UC Santa Barbara

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 12 Feb International PhD
Political Science, Stanford University

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 20 Feb International PhD
Political Science, Columbia University

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 24 Feb International PhD
Political Science, Rice University

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science, Duke Received unofficial email response from POI confirming me that I did not get in. All the candidates have been selected. If you have not received a response back from Duke, sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International GRE 159 GRE V 154 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.85 PhD
Political Science, UCSD

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 6 Mar American GRE 157 GRE V 160 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.52 Masters
Political Science, Johns Hopkins

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar PhD
Political Science, University Of British Columbia Waitlisted with offers from 3 other universities; UBC isn't the best fit for me so this was expected. Will most likely withdraw and accept elsewhere.

Added on March 06, 2014

Wait listed Other PhD
Political Science, St. Louis University Conditional acceptance, waiting on more information from the department.

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 6 Mar American GRE 152 GRE V 158 GRE AW 6.00 GPA 3.70 Masters
Political Science, Rice In retrospect, it was stupid decision to donate money to the small selective program. Already in a top research university program though.

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science, Rice University I kinda anticipated this, but I really wanted to go to this university. Feeling not so good but 6 more to go.

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International GRE 149 GRE V 163 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.80 PhD
Political Science, Rice University

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science, Brandeis This is a repeat of the previous post but I forgot to add: was accepted but will apply elsewhere

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 6 Mar American PhD
Political Science, Brandeis

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 30 Nov American PhD
Political Science, University Of Missouri

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 5 Mar International Masters
Political Science, Chicago Offered admission for MAPSS with full tuition funding, but no living expenses. Will most probably decline.

Added on March 06, 2014

Other International PhD
Political Science, University Of British Columbia

Added on March 06, 2014

Accepted on 6 Mar International Masters
Political Science, Harvard Emailed Wall.

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science, UBC One of my priorities, the fifth rejection for this application round. Confused. Just need one offer!

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International PhD
Political Science/Government, Georgetown University IR sub-field. Received the email today and am now 0-for-14. Congrats to those who are admitted. Time for me to wrap up this cycle.

Added on March 06, 2014

Rejected on 6 Mar International GRE 168 GRE V 163 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.70 PhD

Results 4821 - 4840 of 16509