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Political Science Graduate School Admission Results

About 16,509 results

Recent Graduate Admission Results March 2021

Political Science, University of Southern California If you have any other good options, please decline the offer. This is my ideal school and the last hope.

Added on March 01, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 International GRE 165 GRE V 164 GPA 3.80 PhD
Political Science, York University In via the portal. Canadian citizen. Anyone know who we can view the letter?

Added on March 01, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 Other PhD
Political Science, York University Does any international applicant claim results from York? My portal says no decision yet.

Added on March 01, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, York University Canadian citizen with Canadian undergrad + masters

Added on March 01, 2021

Accepted on 1 Mar Fall 2021 Other PhD

February 2021

Political Science, University Of Massachusetts, Amherst Hi, guys. If you got accepted (IR subfield) and you don't plan to enroll, please decline as soon as possible. Thanks in advance, and good luck to everyone.

Added on February 28, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) If you're accepted in CP and don't intend to enroll, please do me a favor and reject your application ASAP thank you!

Added on February 28, 2021

Wait listed Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, University Of Manitoba Canadian Undergrad

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 23 Feb Fall 2021 Other Masters
Political Science, University of Notre Dame Email to check the application portal. A bit underwhelming and massively disappointing after being invited as a finalist to the virtual visit weekend and having some really great interviews.

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Political Science, Vanderbilt University Is anyone in the IR subfield being waitlisted? Not sure whether I should lose all hopes...

Added on February 27, 2021

Interview Fall 2021 PhD
Political Science, George Mason University (GMU) Rejected. Decision posted on portal.

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 27 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) It was a long shot. Strong recommendations. Work and Intern experience in field. Email indicated they had a record number of applicants.

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2021 American GPA 3.90 PhD
Political Science, University of Notre Dame I was rejected after I had been invited to a virtual visit for finalists.

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2021 American PhD
Political Science, University of Southern California generic email from department to check the portal-- earlier in the day, DGS also sent email saying if you weren't previously contacted for an acceptance, you weren't in

Added on February 27, 2021

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, University Of Victoria 4-year guaranteed funding, 1st year 20k with 2 TAs

Added on February 26, 2021

Accepted on 26 Feb Fall 2021 PhD
Political Science, University of Notre Dame

Added on February 26, 2021

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Northwestern University

Added on February 26, 2021

Rejected on 24 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, City University Of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center (GC) Email letting me know of admission, formal email coming within the next month. So excited that I'm stunned, once it sinks in it's celebration day! My top choice school. Good luck to everyone!

Added on February 26, 2021

Accepted on 26 Feb Fall 2021 American GPA 3.70 Masters
Political Science, Florida State University (FSU) GPA is grad. An offer with full-funding!

Added on February 26, 2021

Accepted on 24 Feb Fall 2021 International GRE 165 GRE V 162 GRE AW 3.50 GPA 3.91 PhD
Political Science, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) congrats to those admitted!

Added on February 26, 2021

Rejected on 25 Feb Fall 2021 International PhD
Political Science, Vanderbilt University Emailed POI and found I was rejected. Losing every battle everywhere.

Added on February 26, 2021

Rejected on 26 Feb Fall 2021 PhD

Results 2901 - 2920 of 16509