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Northwestern University Graduate School Admission Results

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This page shows the recent graduate admission results for Northwestern University. These results automatically update with new admission results submissions, so you can check back to see when others have been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted to specific schools and programs.

Northwestern University

Northwestern University, located in Evanston, Illinois, is a prestigious private research university renowned for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life. It is home to esteemed schools such as the Kellogg School of Management, the ...

Recent Graduate Admission Results November -0001

Materials Science And Engineering, Northwestern University I give up. Maybe I wasn't born to be a materials scientist.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
MECS Managerial Economics And Strategy, Northwestern University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International PhD
Civil And Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University To the poster below, I graduated with a degree in Environmental Engineering from a pretty well known program in America. I had a 3.90 GPA, GRE verbal 168, quantitative 163, AW 4.5. I have worked in consulting on some pretty innovative projects the past 3 years. I had 3 strong letters of recommendation, and I highlighted my experience as a technical writer in my SOP. Good luck!

Added on November 30, -0001

Other American PhD
Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University Admit directly received, followed by an interactive meeting with a potential supervisor.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International GRE 167 GRE V 160 GRE AW 4.50 GPA 3.74 PhD
( ECE) Electrical And Computer Engineering, Northwestern University (To the Northwestern University ECE PhD post below) Which track did you get admitted to ? How about your funding (RA / TA / etc.) ?

Added on November 30, -0001

Other International PhD
Theatre And Drama, Northwestern University Interview scheduled on the 13th Fed. They say I made it to the shortlist (9-10 candidates for 6-7 spots)!

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview PhD
Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov Masters
Physics, Northwestern University

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov American GRE 167 GRE V 157 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.70 PhD
Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University check website guys, they don't send email. seems decisions have been released a few hours ago!

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (IEMS), Northwestern University I will soon ask the department to remove me from the wait-list because I already have a better offer. Good luck to all the waitlisted!

Added on November 30, -0001

Wait listed International PhD
Marketing (CB), Northwestern University so sad...

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
( ECE ) Electrical And Computer Engineering, Northwestern University 2 SCI papers as co-author, 1 SCI paper as 1st author (under peer revision), high TOEFL, strong recommendation letters, many conference presentations. However, still think that I couldn't make up for the low undergrad. GPA with small achivements during my master course. Good luck to other applicants.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 148 GRE V 170 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.20 PhD
Department Of Political Science, Northwestern University No email or notification. Checked it on the application page.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 160 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
Materials Science And Engineering, Northwestern University 2 years of relevant research experience, 2 papers. At least they informed before 15th April. All the best to folks still waiting to hear.

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International GRE 157 GRE V 164 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
Religious Studies, Northwestern University Just got a call from NW. I'm in! Best of luck to everyone who has applied.

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International PhD
Theater, Dance And Performance Studies, Northwestern University

Added on November 30, -0001

Rejected on 30 Nov International PhD
Economics, Ph D, Northwestern University with funding

Added on November 30, -0001

Accepted on 30 Nov International GRE 170 GRE V 167 GRE AW 4.00 PhD
(Sociocultural) Anthropology, Northwestern University Another round of interviews. I think results will not come until the end of Feb or beginning of March.

Added on November 30, -0001

Interview International GRE 170 GRE V 160 GRE AW 4.00 GPA 3.90 PhD
Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University Anyone heard anything from the program? It is getting late. Thank you.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other GRE 167 GRE V 147 GRE AW 3.00 GPA 3.50 PhD
Comparative Literary Studies, Northwestern University The visit weekend for Northwestern is in early March, I believe the details and RSVPs have gone out.

Added on November 30, -0001

Other PhD

Results 10641 - 10660 of 11678


The Northwestern University Graduate School Admission results for the past five years reflect a highly competitive environment with diverse outcomes across several programs. Economics saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Speech Language Pathology had both waitlisting and acceptance for Masters and PhD candidates, highlighting its competitive nature. Computer Science experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, pointing to its stringent criteria. Chemistry saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, underscoring its selective nature. Materials Science and Engineering reported both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, reflecting a balanced yet competitive program. Audiology saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Mechanical Engineering experienced both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD and Masters candidates, highlighting its rigorous selection process. Political Science saw both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, reflecting its competitive nature. History had both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, pointing to its stringent criteria. Sociology reported both waitlisting and acceptance for PhD candidates, indicating a selective but attainable program. Overall, these results suggest that while some programs offer hope through waitlist acceptances, others remain exceptionally competitive.