Johns Hopkins University Graduate School Admission Results

About 7,467 results

This page shows the recent graduate admission results for Johns Hopkins University. These results automatically update with new admission results submissions, so you can check back to see when others have been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted to specific schools and programs.

School Program Added On Decision
Johns Hopkins University
November 30, -0001
Interview on 30 Nov
Total comments
Interview on 30 Nov
Johns Hopkins University
Epidemiology PhD
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GPA 3.50
Johns Hopkins University
Mechanical Engineering PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov
Johns Hopkins University
Epidemiology PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov

Cancer track. When I applied, people told me that JHU really like people with many years working experience. Not surprised, just like a lottery.

Johns Hopkins University
Human Nutrition -- MSPH/RD Masters
November 30, -0001
Accepted on 30 Nov
Total comments
Accepted on 30 Nov
GRE 161
GRE V 157
GRE AW 5.50
GPA 3.83

Completely shocked, I thought I bombed the interview and stressed about it for weeks.. sometimes you just never know with these things =)

Johns Hopkins University
Economics PhD
November 30, -0001
Rejected on 30 Nov
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Rejected on 30 Nov

Email to check website. TPB is not trolling. Rejections are on the way people.

Johns Hopkins University
Economics PhD
November 30, -0001
Other on 30 Nov
Total comments
Other on 30 Nov

TPB: In the last year that JHU did interviews (2018), there were several posters who logged acceptances and noted that they did not interview. One poster who interviewed wrote that the interview was mostly about their math background. My takeaway from that is that Hopkins interviews candidates who they want to admit but have questions about. I also didn't get an interview request, but I am holding out hope!