Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- MIT Media Lab
- Program
- Media Arts And Sciences
- Degree Type
- PhD
- Degree's Country of Origin
- American
- Decision
- Accepted
- Notification
- on 12/04/2022 via E-mail
- Undergrad GPA
- 0.00
GRE General: 0
GRE Verbal: 0
Analytical Writing: 0.00
- Notes
- Wow. Finally off the waitlist after 5 rounds of interviews (3*30min + 2* one hours) with 2 presentations, I finally made it. With my mediocre undergrad GPA, been working in industry for 6+ publishing papers in top tech (FAANGMULA) to make it up, finally made it. This is 6 years of making. That 3 % admission rate is not impossible, good luck everyone, never give up, believe in yourself and you can make it. Admitted as Master (all Media accepts are master first then PhD) with funding.
Received notification of Acceptance