Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- MIT Media Lab
- Program
- Media Lab
- Degree Type
- PhD
- Degree's Country of Origin
- International
- Decision
- Rejected
- Notification
- on 04/03/2022 via E-mail
- Undergrad GPA
- 3.05
GRE General: 168
GRE Verbal: 155
Analytical Writing: 4.50
- Notes
- Rejection Email: Thank you for your application to the graduate program in Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for Fall 2022. We regret that we are not able to offer you admission. We received more than 900 applications and were able to admit less than 3%. In selecting so few from a large and talented group, we must turn down many qualified applicants. We wish you the best for your future plans.
Received notification of Rejection