Application Information

Details and information about the application.

University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Degree Type
Degree's Country of Origin
on 04/02/2022 via E-mail
Undergrad GPA
  • GRE General: 0
  • GRE Verbal: 0
  • Analytical Writing: 0.00
I sincerely want to thank you for applying for admission to the UW-Madison Linguistics PhD program. I am truly sorry to inform you that we cannot offer you admission. Our program possesses only limited resources, both in terms of faculty time (and availability for advising) and financial resources (TAships, PAships, and fellowships that we can offer our graduate students). We do not admit students unless we can also offer them a comprehensive funding package. The task of choosing graduate students is always a difficult one. The number of applications we received far exceeded the number of students that we are able to admit. Our selection process considered several factors, including the amount of space we have in the program (and within certain academic specializations), the appropriateness of the applicant's academic preparation, and fit with the program as suggested in the statement of purpose. Overall, we take a holistic approach to evaluating application dossiers and come to consensus as a program on admissions. We realize that you may be disappointed and also acknowledge that our selection process is not perfect. I can assure you, however, that a committee of faculty gave careful consideration to your application and made a decision by consensus. We are proud that we are able to attract excellent applicants such as yourself. We know that you will find a satisfying career path, whether it be in Linguistics or another field. Regardless, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Rajiv Rao Director, Language Sciences


  • Received notification of Rejection