Application Information

Details and information about the application.

Georgetown University
Degree Type
Degree's Country of Origin
on 28/02/2020 via E-mail
Undergrad GPA
  • GRE General: 0
  • GRE Verbal: 0
  • Analytical Writing: 0.00
Thank you for your application to the Georgetown Phd program in Economics. I am writing with some unfortunate news for you. The admissions committee that I chair met this afternoon and made recommendations to admit students and waitlist others. Unfortunately given our class size constraints, we were unable to either admit you or waitlist you. I know you are not pleased by this news, and I am very reluctant to have to inform you. As I noted in my previous email, we had nearly 20% more applications this year and it made it all the more difficult to be unable to admit so many talented applicants. Grad school in economics has become highly competitive but as I noted in my last email, I hope that even though we cannot admit you to Georgetown, I hope you will get other admissions offers and not give up your dreams for graduate school and a career in economics. I was not admitted to many of the schools I applied to for Economics graduate school and I survived! I will also be the first to admit that there is a degree of randomness in admissions decisions just like any other decision process: the statisticians call these the Type 1 and 2 errors. We try to minimize both but similar to any human decision process errors are inevitable. I hope you take this as some consolation, though at the same time we DO NOT CONSIDER REQUESTS TO APPEAL OUR ADMISSIONS DECISIONS. So this is something you will just have to accept even if you disagree with our decision. We do not have the resources to reconsider our decisions after having spent countless hours reading files and making judgements to the best of our ability. We are very grateful and thankful that you submitted your application to our program and I am sorry I cannot be delivering better news. However I wanted to inform you immediately so you do not delay accepting any other offers you may already have received. I wish you every success in the future and hope you will not be discouraged by this news since I noted, we all get this sort of news in our lives. So my advice is to just move on and not let some bad news stop you from achieving what you want to achieve or cause you to lose confidence in your ability. The applicants to grad school are a highly self selected group of the most successful and talented people from around the world. I am very confident that not getting into Georgetown will not have a material effect on your future course in life.


  • Received notification of Rejection