Application Information
Details and information about the application.
- Institution
- Boston University
- Program
- Creative Writing (Fiction)
- Degree Type
- Degree's Country of Origin
- International
- Decision
- Accepted
- Notification
- on 30/11/-0001 via Phone
- Undergrad GPA
- 0.00
GRE General: 0
GRE Verbal: 0
Analytical Writing: 0.00
- Notes
- I was on the subway, minding my own (sad and depressed because of one more unknown MFA reply) business, when Leslie Epstein called me on my mobile. I think I got off the train. Well, I must have. I think I said "OMG" about twenty times (facepalm). We had a lovely chat (well, Mr Epstein was lovely on the phone while I could barely put two words together from the shock and the emotion and whatnot). And I accepted the offer. And I still can't believe it. All the best to all applicants, I know the wait is horrifying. Impossible things do happen, though, and you will get into the program of your dreams. (4a/0w/1r/0s)
Received notification of Acceptance