Application Information

Details and information about the application.

Georgia Institute of Technology
Materials Science And Engineering
Degree Type
Degree's Country of Origin
on 30/11/-0001 via Other
Undergrad GPA
  • GRE General: 0
  • GRE Verbal: 0
  • Analytical Writing: 0.00
I received an email from the Academic Coordinator in the MSE department yesterday, 3/6. She extended an invitation to interview on campus March 21-22. I am guessing I was on a waitlist previously as this is really short notice, but I have no idea really. This is my first time hearing anything from GA Tech. In the email it was clear that interview is not a guarantee of admission. The only thing that was expressed was that if a professor wants us to join their lab, we will immediately be accepted as we have already been pre approved by the graduate school for admission. The academic coordinator asked me to send her a list of up to 7 professors that I would be interested in meeting. I am not going to contact professors before meeting them. I am not interested in any aspects of Bioengineering/biomaterials lol. Trying to get into a lab focusing on inorganic functional materials for energy applications.
